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Record: 106
Date: Sat Jul 17 06:44:31 2004
Subject: Thanks
Name: Db Johnson
City: Nashville
State: Tennessee
Country: United States
Found Site by: Friend
Mr. Warren,
Thank you so much for your easy to understand explanations. I am particularly grateful for the excellent study of the word "Selah" and how it is used in the scriptures. It was very helpful information. The Lord has blessed me to come to a much greater knowledge of the doctrines of grace through the lucid explanations you give many difficult subjects on your site. I've gone from frustration to unbriddled joy in understanding some of God's sovereignty over us. So this is just a note to encourage you in your work.
D.B. Johnson
Date: Thu Jul 8 01:08:22 2004
Subject: Dispensationalism
Name: Don Cataldi
City: Dallas State: Texas
Country: United States Of America
Found Site by: Friend
I find your site somewhat helpful but I do not like the way you teach that those who believe in free will believe in a works gospel, and that those of the Dispensational eschatological position are not practicing a sound method of bible interpretation. I find that the literal interpretation is always the sound interpretation. I appreciate your position, and your knowledge of the scriptures, but feelings count for something too. And I feel that those who hold to these positions different from yours shouldn't have their doctrines put under a microscope and picked apart. Some of the greatest minds in theology such as Dr. John Walvoord believe in free will and dispensationalism. What are your credentials? Were you the President of Dallas Theological Seminary? You should think about that when you teach against Dispensationalism.
Don Cataldi
Date: Mon Jul 5 04:48:06 2004
Name: Kunti

Homepage: Bali Villas

Country: Indonesia
Found Site by: Search Engine
Great Site! I have 7 websites and would like to exchange links with you guys from all around the world, please visit my website and fill in the “contact us form” to reach me. I do not display my private email address to avoid spamming. Wish to hear from you guys.
Date: Tue Jun 29 16:29:37 2004
Name: Teresa
City: Hartford State: Conn.
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Friend
What a wonderful site and wonder work you have done. Thank you so much for sharing and giving others some of your inspiration. Everything beautifully presented, and so accurate in all the teachings. It has prompted me to start digging deeper into the scriptures because so many people are expecting a miracle instead of being a miracle. This is one of the best resources on the Internet, and truly blessed of God.
Thanks again for producing such an informative resource.
Record: 100Date: Sun Jun 27 21:18:56 2004
Name: Allen

Homepage: Friends of San Anselmo

City: San Anselmo State: California
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
Spreading god's messages is always commendable. Your site is great!
Date: Mon Jun 21 16:52:57 2004
Subject: Excellent Theology
Name: Mel Harris
City: Lynchburg State: Virginia
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine
I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting your site, and have found agreement in what I've seen so far. God sure has been gracious to his children, hasn't he? I am overjoyed to find biblical teachings near to my own. His goodness and faithfulness is overwhelming. I will surely be viewing your site in greater detail later on. Check out the Reformed documents site also. It'stheology is near to yours.
Mel Harris
Date: Mon Jun 7 01:09:18 2004
Name: Gloria
Country: United States
Found Site by: Word of Mouth
This is a wonderful site! It is always a joy to discover a biblical well rounded Christian website. Sola Fida, Sola Gratia, Solo christos, Solo deo gloria, and Sola Scriptura. This is a treasure trove of great articles and resources on eschatology and evangelism. Thanks for putting together such a bright beacon for Christ on the internet. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family with His amazing grace.
Date: Mon May 17 11:29:28 2004
Subject: A good Site
Name: David
City: Denver State: Colorado
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
Hi, just surfing the net and found your website. I just read your FAQ page and have to say that I was very impressed with your honest answers to these difficult questions. I really appreciate this website and will be telling others about it. You explain the scriptures in great detail using the scriptures and this is how a person like myself needs to hear it. May God continue to bless the Mountain Retreat.
Also come to visit another Bible teacher who teaches plain sense theology
Date: Mon Apr 26 19:35:48 2004
Name: Muriel Crowell
State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
I would like thank God and Tony Warren for this wonderful site. It took the blinders off, so that the light of God could shine through. May GOD bless you and keep you.
Date: Sun Apr 25 21:17:35 2004
Subject: Always improving
Name: Adrian
City: Badalona Country: Spain
Found Site by: Friend
I signed before, but I see you have moved your guestbooks around and my addition is gone.
I am really impressed when I surf through your site as it is always improving. I grew up in Spain and it's been almost 3 years now since I've been there. The things I've learned here I hope to someday take back there and teach others.
I was most interested to read your article regarding the Feast of Tabernacles. I do have an open mind, but I would be interested to learn what you think about the other feasts like the atonement and Trumpets? I pray you all will keep up the good work.