Center For Biblical Theology and Eschatology
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Record: 3303
Date: Wed Nov 7 08:49:52 2007
Name: John Van Voorhis
City: Greenville     State: Sc
Country: United States
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Wonderful website! At 75, a believer for 58 years, an elder for 46 years, and a lover of the Reformed faith and the Puritans, I think I have come across another treasure. Thank you.

I look forward to coming back again and again.

Record: 3298
Date: Thu Nov 1 17:39:02 2007
Name: Paul Ansen
Country: Us Of A
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Thank you so much for all of your Spirit filled writings! I happened to be surfing the web for information on biblical marriages and divorces and came across your site. I read a few articles, and it peaked my interest. Now I can't stop reading, it's all such a great blessing. I feel that now I at least have a rudimentary understanding of the book of Revelation, whereas before I came here, I was clueless on how to understand the prophecies. You have opened up great doors to my perspective on scripture. May God bless you!

Record: 3294
Date: Thu Oct 18 14:12:52 2007
Subject: Mining Gold
Name: Sarah
Homepage: My Presbyterian Church
  Home Page
City: Bloomington     State: In
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Hi Pastor Tony Warren,
I was surfing the web looking for eschatology and found your web site. Needless to say I have really enjoyed the Biblical Theology here. Your articles are very sound and dripping with truth. What a blessing that God has chosen to give you such obvious knowledge and wisdom. Your style of allowing scripture to interpret itself is something new to me, and very enlightening. I think that I have found a gem to share with other people because reading your articles, I know that you really have a great deal of respect for Gods Holy Word.

Record: 3268
Date: Fri Oct 5 22:43:59 2007
Name: Patrick Thian
Country: Singapore
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist, and I find that your words are inspired by the Holy Spirit..I'm just curious what denomination are you from? Not that I discriminate as that would be a sin. Just for person info as I find your understanding of God's word is mature and surely spiritual and not carnel.

Record: 3255
Date: Wed Oct 3 11:24:37 2007
Subject: Great Site
Name: Kevin Haag
Homepage: New Testament Christian
  Home Page
State: Mi
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    You have an excellent, God-honoring site! Thanks for all the resources, keep up the good work. God bless, Kevin

Record: 3236
Date: Tue Oct 2 23:38:09 2007
Subject: New User
Name: Vince Berry
Country: USA
Found Site by: Word of Mouth

    "The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD." -Proverbs 21:31 Great site you have here. I am so glad to have found it and will be recommending it to others. I haven't had time to follow through all the various topics and articles on your site, but I have read enough to know that you have a holy unction of the Lord. The more people who spread the truths of the God of this creation the better. I am especially blessed to read sound articles against dispensationalism and in favor of Biblical eschatology. Keep up the great work you all are doing here.

Record: 3129
Date: Sat Aug 25 00:19:13 2007
Name: Chelsea
Country: New Zealand
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    This is a really great site. Thank you so much for giving me resources to expand my knowledge and faith.

I pray that as christians we will not just "be comfortable" in our faith. Living in worship will not get us into Gods kingdom... We have to LIVE WORSHIP. We cant be satisfied with the ammount of christians we see. GOD MOVES IN DESPERATION. Expect more that you can comprehend possible.

"Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my father in heaven wants them to do."
--Matthew 7v21

God Bless

Record: 3125
Date: Thu Aug 23 16:54:57 2007
Name: Lee Hall
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    This page is a blessing of knowledge and wealth. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless and develop the work of your hands in the name of JESUS the Christ. Shalom!

Record: 3104
Date: Mon Aug 13 18:26:32 2007
Name: Darlene Mcdonald
Country: United States
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    I found Your paper on slain in the spirit by Tony warren, true to the word of God. Thank you

Record: 3055
Date: Sun Jul 15 12:13:23 2007
Subject: Good Preaching
Name: Joe
Homepage: Heritage Presbyterian Church
  Home Page
City: Lawrenceville     State: Ga
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Word of Mouth

    I love your website and faithful biblical articles. Good to hear the good old fashioned truth again. Please come visit Heritage Presbyterian Church if you get the chance. We seek to have a deliberate, biblical reason for everything we do also. We are thoroughly Reformed in our theology. Please,keep up what you are doing. There are so few good biblical sites left.

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