Center For Biblical Theology and Eschatology
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Center For Biblical Theology and Eschatology

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Record: 4312
Date: Sunday, March 13, 2022, 11:26 PM
Subject: Light Up The Darkness
Name: Sheryl
City: Galveston     State: Texas
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    I have really enjoyed learning about the Dispensationalists, Charismatics, Televangelists, and cults. Thank you for sharing the truth about extrabiblical teachers and churches. I don't like that other sites don't call false belief systems false, nor teach that there is only one savior, one church, and one God. Thanks for bringing the light into the darkness that people might be able to see the truth. Darkness should be revealed for what it really is by those who properly handle God's word.

Record: 4307
Date: Friday, January 21, 2022, 10:09 AM
Subject: The Trumpism Cult
Name: Andrew Peabody
City: Norfolk     State: Virginia
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Evangelistic Trumpism is destroying this country, the church, and our system of government. It is tearing it apart at the seams, causing divisions among Christians and soiling the name of Christ by association. Christians have got to be smarter than this. I agree with Reformed Minister Michael Horton that this is a cult, and Christians should not stand with this sort of lawlessness and evil. Great article and one other Christians should copy.

Record: 4302
Date: Monday, November 15, 2021, 11:26 AM
Name: William Julian
City: Brockton     State: Ma
Country: United States
Found Site by: Friend

    Well, truly he truth! Most of Christianity has the end times wrong and I believe Tony Warren is completely correct.
The spiritual meanings of many biblical passages make the most complete biblical sense. Your average Premil believer I have found has almost no basis for believing the way they do to such a new found doctrine such as Premillenialism.
Tony does a fantastic job in comparing scripture with scripture and setting the record straight.
My hope is to bring as many here as possible for them to "see the light" as well.

Record: 4301
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2021, 8:43 PM
Subject: Good Reading
Name: Terry M
City: Lynchburg     State: Virginia
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    This is probably one of the most powerful Bible study sites that I have found on the Internet. It’s so vitally important for Bible-believing Christians to be able to regularly read from learned theology authors and study directly from the Holy Bible. I am so grateful for so many Bible study resources that are accessible here in one spot. May God bless this ministry.

Record: 4298
Date: Friday, October 22, 2021, 3:59 PM
Subject: What we have in common
Name: Ian William
City: Brisbane     State: Queensland
Country: Australia
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Hello brothers and sisters. Australia and the U.S. have a lot in common. Unfortunately, one of the things we have in common is the growing apostasy in the traditional churches. The closure of country churches is not limited to Australia, it is a trend that is increasing across the world stage. A decline in attendance has been going on for several decades. I think it is because religion used to be an important part of most Australians lives, but now it seems to be a relic of the past. It's a failure of the country's leadership, and a failure of the church's leadership as well. I'm just glad to find one site that is maintaining conservative church standards, even if it is not a church and is half way around the world. Thanks for keeping the faith.

Record: 4292
Date: Friday, October 8, 2021, 9:43 PM
Subject: The Olive Tree and the True Vine
Name: Robert Cinnamon
City: Wasilla     State: Alaska
Country: United States
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I passed by here a few years ago just briefly scanning the site. Lately, I've been studying John 15:1-8 and wondered, does the True Vine and branches have any relation to the Olive Tree and branches in Romans 11? Low and behold, I found a great article on this very subject, as well as one on the Israel of God.

It's always good to study theological positions (from those who actually hold them) contrary to ones you may hold. Being challenged is a good thing. As for the trolls, what did you expect coming to a "reformed' site?

Thanks for your ministry

Record: 4265
Date: Monday, July 19, 2021, 4:20 PM
Subject: Free Will
Name: Alejandro Rodríguez
City: Morelia     State: Michoacán
Country: Mexico
Found Site by: Search Engine

    You guys don't understand free will because it is a mystery. You try and analyze it and prove it doesn't exist that way, but you think too much. We sense that we have a will that is free, but your religious science says every action is determined by a prior action. What you are missing is that without free will, you can't hold anyone responsible. I love your quaint site, your anti-free-will stance is disturbing.

Record: 4264
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 1:00 AM
Name: Bernard Hofstetter
State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Found Site by: Friend

Love this site! I minister to a new believers Bible group and I was looking for some information on Predestination from a Reformed perspective to answer some questions the group had. Needless to say, I found all of what I needed to answer their questions on this site. I would also like to publically thank God for providing great Bible teachers like Tony Warren for his wonderfully simple, easy-to-understand articles and papers on theology. They really took the blinders off my eyes to see there are legitimate answers to all Bible questions. May GOD continue to bless this site and the workers who run it. Thank you all for standing up and speaking out for the truth rather than what's popular in modern society and liberal church circles. I pray you continue your work for Christ's glory.

Record: 4263
Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021, 5:31 PM
Subject: True Christianity
Name: Wayne Emerson
City: Delaware     State: Ohio
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    What a find! Having scanned through your introduction on the home page, I see much to assist me in leading my home cell Bible study group. Thank you for showing us what it truly means to be Reformed. It means not getting our interpretations from God and not from Televangelists. It means the love of supporting missions rather than storing up treasures for ourselves. It means we know God is sovereign, and not just an idle bystander. It means we take marriage seriously, loving our wives as Christ love3s the church. This is one of the few sites that I hear preaching these tenets openly and without apology, and for that I am grateful to God.

I praise God for the blessing of making your teachings available to other Christians in the world on this platform. Especially when modern social media technology can be so abused and evil, we see it can also be used for good and to the glory of God.

Peace and blessing to you in your ministry.

Record: 4255
Date: Sunday, April 11, 2021, 8:43 AM
Subject: Reformed Theology Is Small
Name: Wayne Moore
City: Rock Hill     State: South Carolina
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    If Reformed theology is the most accurate, correct expression of what the Scripture teaches, then why are the Reformed churches so few? That doesn't make sense. Few in both a percentage of Protestants and in worldwide Christians. If what your bible teaches and the theological system you use were really of God, it would win out and not be one of the least. Since it doesn't win out, what does that say about its validity? Those are my thoughts.

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