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Record: 3563
Date: Sat Jan 3 10:19:51 2009
Name: Dana
State: Pa
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I absolutely love the resources in this site!! Thank you so much for having them all at my fingertips!

Record: 3554
Date: Tue Dec 16 12:29:55 2008
Name: Daniel Garrett
City: Silver Spring     State: Md
Country: United States
Found Site by: Other

    Greetings, and a most memorable and CHRIST-centered CHRISTmas be graciously granted to YOU and Your Families as you remain faithful to the cause of CHRIST by the pure and enduring power of His Most Precious Holy Spirit, to the joy and glory of our Most Gracious and Loving Heavenly Father GOD! Even now and forevermore, AMEN.
I came across your site by way of "" by clicking on "Institutes of the Christian Religion" by Calvin, under the heading of "Systematic Theology", which brought me to your site. My prayer is that it will contribute in a Godly way to a greater and fuller understanding of our Master, Savior, Lord and God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God's Love, our ONLY real hope and true joy, as well as well as the Father Himself, Who has most lovingly and graciously chosen the likes of us, as undeserving as we assuredly are. And I also pray that He will continue to bless and uphold you as you continue to follow His lead and not your own. HIServant & Yours, D.V.Garrett.

Record: 3540
Date: Fri Nov 21 00:36:46 2008
Name: Erik B. Sandvik   EmailERIKNANDREA@SOFTCOM.NET
City: Lodi     State: California
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine


Record: 3537
Date: Wed Nov 19 16:27:01 2008
Subject: The Mountain Retreat
Name: Kathy E. Pellegrino
Homepage: Brighton Reformed Church
  Home Page
City: Rochester     State: New York
Country: United States
Found Site by: Search Engine

    To Whom It May Concern,

What a small world it has become since entering the information highway! We were looking for information on the Great Tribulation period, and your site popped up. I really enjoyed your articles and web site. We have used them at bible study group and they were received with excitement and joy. They are unpretentious, clear and concise, and we just want to ask God to bless all of you.


Kathy E. Pellegrino
Rochester, New York

Record: 3529
Date: Fri Nov 7 17:25:37 2008
Name: Drew Owens
City: Indianapolis     State: IN
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    May God really continue to Bless this web site, because it has been a God Send. Through it I have come to embrace biblical theology and the sound way of reading to understand the scriptures. And especially eschatology, which has always been a mystery and puzzle to me. Having been Medodist for so long, it has been an up hill battle to throw off the old ways, but through your web site I am finally seeing the truth that the bible teaches.

Thanks To God,

Record: 3528
Date: Thu Nov 6 15:01:09 2008
Name: Jan Jacobs
City: New Plymouth     Country: New Zealand
Found Site by: Link

    Nice work!
It is about time that a stand was taken against the 'New theology".
Yours in Christ.

Record: 3526
Date: Wed Nov 5 14:33:14 2008
Name: Jane-louise Bassett
Country: England
Found Site by: Other

    Wow! Great site. Surfing around looking for an answer to something my son wanted to know for his mid-week church club and came across this place. Amazing ... AND a radio station to boot! We were speaking at the Alpha Course this week at Frimley Baptist Church and the internet came up in conversation. I hadn't even considered using it for Biblical references ... I feel well and truly put in my place by Him upstairs as He has no doubt directed me here.

God bless. x

Record: 3524
Date: Sat Nov 1 11:44:46 2008
Subject: Searching The Web
Name: Victor Rathbone
Homepage: First Presbyterian Church of Las Vegas
  Home Page
City: Las Vegas     State: Nv
Country: United States
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Brother and Sisters,

I am Victor Rathbone and I was googling the words reformed eschatology and came across your site. I have been an active member of the Presbyterian Church (PCA) for a few years and have begun to lean a lot. But this knowledge was dwarfed by what I have learned from your web pages.

I cannot find a biblical church in my area, and trying to fellowship with like-minded Christians here in Las Vegas is like trying to find pearls in the ocean. Needless to say, I am edified by your website and doctrines on eschatology.

In Christ,
Victor Rathbone

Record: 3523
Date: Fri Oct 31 07:24:51 2008
Subject: Women as pastors in church
Name: Jeff Faber
City: Calgary     State: Alberta
Country: Canada
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Thank you for writing your article on abomination of desolation. I would like to know more of your views on women as pastors in church, and how it affects the churches spiritually and in any other way which might be negative.

Record: 3520
Date: Mon Oct 27 12:09:47 2008
Subject: The Season of Generation-Choicemaker Joe
Name: Jim Baxter
Homepage: The Age of The Choicemaker Joel 3;14 KJV
  Home Page http;//
City: Santa Maria     State: California
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Human is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by
nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of
Criteria. Psalm 119:30,173 His unique and definitive
characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural
foundation of his environments, institutions, and re-
spectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is orien-
ted to a Freedom whose roots are in the Order of the
universe. selah

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