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Record: 3796
Date: Thu Oct 20 06:16:53 2011
Name: Joe A.serge
City: Oshawa, Ontario
Country: Canada
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
A great website to help wean baby Christians off milk to taste and see the meat of the gospel. May God continue to richly bless your ministry.
Date: Tue Oct 18 04:55:56 2011
Subject: From The Heart
Name: Richard Graham
City: Scranton State: Penna
Country: US
Found Site by: Search Engine
Thank you again for speaking truth when so many pastors and Ministers have succumb to unfaithfulness, because your words resonates from the spirit, by the word to my heart. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Great Job Guys!
Date: Thu Oct 6 15:38:14 2011
Subject: Praise The Most High
Name: Mike Brennan
City: Marlboro State: New Jersey
Country: United States
Found Site by: Search Engine
I love he who dwells in the house of the most high, who abides in the shadow of the Almighty, and that most certainly are you guys. Not everyone will be pleased with the preaching the truth, and that's why I appreciate that you do it anyway. So don't spend your time, energy and resources atttempting to please man, instead please GOD.
Blessings upon you
Mike Brennan
Record: 3791Date: Wed Oct 5 11:19:43 2011
Subject: Questions Answered
Name: Meric Dolby
City: Green Bay State: Wi
Country: United States
Found Site by: Search Engine
It is very difficult to understand the word of God, but reading your pages have made that a lot easier. I just wanted to thank you for providing so many good answers to so many of the questions I have had. may God bless your biblical theology and eschatology.
Date: Sat Oct 1 21:12:44 2011
Name: Karen
City: Reeding State: Pa.
Country: America
Found Site by: Link
Nice repository, however nearly evereything in it is ant-Catholic. You really do overstep your boundries. How do you know there are no animals in Heaven, how do you know there is no Purgatory, and how do you know that the Holy mother Mary does not answer our prayers? You don't really know, you are only going on a lot of assumptions. Like the assumption of the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. I fear you need to have the leader of the one true Holy Church school you in the theology handed down by the fathers.
Date: Sat Oct 1 00:09:10 2011
Subject: Your Northern Neighbors
Name: Robert Stafford
City: Courtice State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Found Site by: Word of Mouth
Greetings and Salutations,
Well done on the website. I can honestly say that I think it is one of the best in the US as far as sound theology and information. Congratulations on the setting up such quality site. May the Lord use it to his glory to inform and edify His people.
Record: 3788Date: Wed Sep 28 09:41:07 2011
Subject: Your Website is Very Helpful
Name: Johnmark Atom
City: Gboko State: Benue
Country: Nigeria
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
Greetings and my heart--felt appreciations to all of you at the Mountain Retreat Website. I am a Chrsitian of the Reformed faith in Nigeria and am so very happy to find your resources--especially the classicals--relating the soveighnty of God and Grace. I am having many of my questions related to Biblical issues resolved. In deed, many young Christians in Nigeria and the whole of Africa--where GOOD Christian literature are rarely found--will surely benefit a lot from this.
I pray God richly bless you and continue to grow His chruch through the work of His good people like you.
Record: 3787Date: Sun Sep 25 01:35:44 2011
Subject: The Spirit is Here!
Name: Niki Lee
City: Seoul Country: South Korea
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
Hello. Thank You ever so much for this rare and wonderful site. I am a Korean interested in learning the biblical eschatology and living in the reformed styles. I have found this a very educational website with lots of good information. There are so many here in Korea who do not know the true faith, and some are snared in Catholicism and have never heard of the doctrines of grace.
Thank you very much! Grace and peace from of our Lord!
Date: Thu Sep 22 04:24:40 2011
Subject: Nice Site
Name: Samuel
City: Hartford State: Ct.
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine
Hi all,
I just wanted to check in and say how much I enjoy your site. There are so many great resources and articles. The only thing I don't agree with is your stand on marriage being forever. But that is a small disagreement as compared to all the great teachings here. Lord Bless as you continue bringing Reformed Theology!
Date: Tue Sep 20 09:24:48 2011
Name: Isaac O.b
City: Accra State: Greater Accra
Country: Ghana
Found Site by: Search Engine
Good site for academic exercise. I'll be visiting for more information for my lessons in school. I teach Christian Religious Studies in a High School.
Thank you