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Record: 3648
Date: Wed Apr 21 16:02:05 2010
Name: Marie Latting
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I was looking for something and googled it, your stie popped up. It explained everything I needed to know about eunuchs.

Thanks so much, I have made it a favorite.

Record: 3645
Date: Mon Apr 5 19:55:43 2010
Name: Robert Kauffman
  Home Page
City: Riverside     State: Ca
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Dear Brother Warren,
I appreciate your website and your labor in the Word and Doctrine. I search from time to time via google or any other engine looking for fresh perspective on various subjects. My favorite subject since our Lord has opened my understanding is that of eschatology, for i was one who taught the common teaching of the day until a book from LR Shelton brought me clarity.
It was an internet search for The True Israel of God that landed me on your page.
Wow, what a selection of powerful books to choose from. I am about to digest your books on revelation 7,11,12 and 2 thess 2.
God Bless you for your sharing of the Word of God. Keep up the good work there is a world of believers as the Ethiopian Eunich crying "how can i (understand) lest someone should teach me"
Pastor Bob

Record: 3641
Date: Thu Mar 18 10:54:49 2010
Subject: Enlightening
Name: Jessica Green
City: Ellijay     State: Georgia
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    It's always nice to hear someone expound on the truths of God's Word. Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, it makes you think about God's Word. From what I have read on your website so far, it has been very enlightening to me and so very true. Truth is part of the Light that has come into the world. More Truth, less darkness. Eventually the Truth will reign and there will be no darkness for sin to hide in.

John 8:12 - Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Thank you for sharing these truth's with everyone.

Record: 3639
Date: Wed Mar 10 22:15:17 2010
Name: Robert Cooper
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Just started rereading the New Testament and found your detailed and complete findings to solidify some of my beliefs on Jesus life

Record: 3635
Date: Fri Feb 5 09:33:50 2010
Subject: Thanks
Name: Gary Davison
Homepage: Amill
City: Pinson, Jefferson County     State: Alabama
Country: USA
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Thank you for all you do...! So many around don't beleive the way I do of the end times... THanks.

Record: 3634
Date: Tue Jan 26 13:50:11 2010
Subject: Book
Name: Edwin Yosef Vogt
City: Little Falls     State: New York
Country: United States Of America
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Dear Mr. Warren: I am presently engaged in a work-in-progress entitled: SO LOVED: How Christ Suffered For Your Soul (A Graphic Description Of the Crucifixion).I would be honored to have permission to quote perbatim a single paragraph
from your article, What Does It Mean, The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world? Source reference will be credited under Acknowledge- ments. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed your explana-
tion of the term 'Selah'. I had chosen it to mean...Think upon this. Regardles of its authen-
ticity, it is nonetheless edifying.Blessings on you, brother, for your devotion in sharing God's pure and precious Word to all!

Record: 3633
Date: Sun Jan 3 07:31:31 2010
Subject: Christian Apologies
Name: Dustin
City: Dallas     State: Tx
Country: Usa
Found Site by: E-Mail Message

    While doing a Google search, I found this website from the title, "when should a Christian apologize?" I continue to be amazed at the resistance in the Christian community to even talking about apology, regret or repentance with others. I heard one comment that struck me curious. "Why should Christians apologize when others are not expected to do the same?" Well, because Christians are not like others. Or at least, they're not supposed to be. They are Christians, and as such, answer to a higher authority. There is nothing wrong with having a contrite heart. The world things it makes us weak, but Christians should know better.

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise". -Psalm 51:17

God Bless this Website!

Record: 3632
Date: Thu Dec 24 05:08:04 2009
Name: Lucy
Country: England
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Greeting in ''JESUS CHRIST THE LORD'',was searching for a message on homosexuality for a friend ignorant of the subject, your message will certainly help her to clarify the position and attitude of 'the born again christian' to such a situation. THE LORD OF SHALOM, BLESS YOU RICHLY ALWAYS, IN HIS GRACE Lucy.

Record: 3631
Date: Wed Dec 23 12:18:52 2009
Name: Larry Feezell
City: Ponca City     State: Ok
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I was glad to find your WEB site. I was searching Google for the meaning, a translation for "Selah". Yours came up and I now have your site on my desktop, and "Selah" in my Journal.

Thank you

Record: 3630
Date: Fri Dec 18 06:43:56 2009
Name: Calvin Woodall
City: Eros     State: La
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I have used your web site extensively in studying and preparing my lessons. I especially enjoy the "Classic" sermons. Keep up the good work for God. In Him!!

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