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Record: 2767
Date: Wed Dec 13 15:23:12 2006
Name: Kevin Scott
Country: New Hampshire
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Tony Warren,
I have to tell you that you do make a believable argument, and I fully agree that Christ died for all the old testament believers as well as the new testament believers. Let's be clear, I don't believe that there is any difference in believers. But listen man, no one but no one was chosen ahead of time to be saved. You've got your wires crossed on that one. You say not a lot of churches today believe that, maybe it's because it's not true. Ever think of that? God doesn't choose anyone ahead of time to go to heaven or to hell. We're not robots. We have free will.

Record: 2717
Date: Fri Dec 8 01:12:16 2006
Subject: This website
Name: Terrence Johnson
City: Butte     State: Montana
Country: Us of A
Found Site by: Word of Mouth

    Thanks for a wonderful site where people can come and find legitimate Christian doctrines, not the fanciful private interpretations of the liberal church. God bless you all. I was a member of a church where I had to submit to women leaders because I felt that I was called to keep the unity of the Spirit until we come to the full knowledge of Christ (Ephesians 4:1-13). You have opened my eyes. Again, God bless this ministry.

Record: 2648
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:28:09 2006
Name: Michael Nenn
City: Spring Valley     State: Ca
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I started a bible study regarding the time line of the bible and found your study. With god's help, I've come to learn more and more about the history of the earth through faith. Your study and others have helped me greatly. Thank you. Every day I learn more about God's salvation plan through the time line study.

Record: 2637
Date: Mon Nov 6 09:19:53 2006
Name: John F. Olsen
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Recently discovered Reformed Christianity, am reading Anthony Hoekema presently and am very impressed with his insights and exegesis of scriptures. Thanks so much for this site which will help me grow further in the light of Christ.


Record: 2527
Date: Thu Oct 19 10:54:07 2006
Name: Hilda Van Rooyen
City: Johannesburg     State: Gauteng
Country: South Africa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    I was so thrilled to find such sound teaching on the internet.I usually keep the feasts not as a law but as a celebration, as well as a wonderful way to teach my family, friends and strangers about the wonder of the finished work of our Lord Jesus on the cross.Thank you for making some difficult Old Testement scriptures clear!!
God bless you and I pray ,that many more people like myself would recieve this wonderful truth that you share.There is so much error, end time teaching going around, as well as great confusion, regarding the finished work of the cross.

Record: 2486
Date: Wed Oct 4 09:00:52 2006
Name: Prof John Lufc
City: New York     Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    What a wonderful site. Thankyou so much. It is wonderful that God has given you the ability to create something so important. i will be back

Record: 2468
Date: Tue Sep 26 07:18:43 2006
Subject: Signs and Wonders
Name: Beth Johnson
Homepage: 2nd Presbyterian Church of Memphis
  Home Page
City: Memphis     State: Tennessee
Country: United States
Found Site by: E-Mail Message

    Dear Mountain Retreat,
I so agree with your conclusions concerning the growth of the false signs and wonders gospels. I'm so blessed to hear true biblical preaching concerning miracles and the truth that they are not for today. I have friends who actually think they can speak in tongues and converse with God in a new language. I'm sending some of these articles to them in hopes that they will accept truth. Thanks so much for such a Godly biblical site.

May God Bless you all.
Again, God bless you all. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Record: 2433
Date: Mon Sep 4 13:39:11 2006
Name: Red Baker
City: Easley     State: S.c.
Country: American
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Dear Brother,

Just finished reading your article on 2Thess. 2, verse by verse. I love it. The enemy of the truth, the Devil, wants all who read the scriptures to believe the pope is the man of sin, so they and their children will be UNPREPARE in the days when the man of sin is revealed in FULL manifestion just before the coming of Jesus Christ. The pope is PART of that man of sin, so is Benny Hinn, Rick Warren and many others.

The Abomination of Desolation, the man of sin, the antichrist, that Wicked, son of perdition, is ALL part of the MYSTERY of INIQUITY that has been in the world SINCE the fall, but WILL BE fully manifested during the tribulation days when the Devil is loose for a little season.

THANK YOU my good brother for helping me to get settled in these Bible truths, that are hid from the wise of this world, yet revealed to babes, chosen by the free grace of the God of heaven.

Brother Red Baker

Record: 2407
Date: Sun Aug 20 06:09:23 2006
Name: Keith Steverson
City: Lake Wales     State: Fl
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Link

    Like your Bibile Quiz, wish it were longer. I looked up our church in Winter Haven: Cypress Ridge PCA and noticed you have our former pastor from two years ago still listed. Can you update it to Don Broadwater?


Record: 2292
Date: Sat Jul 15 15:28:16 2006
Subject: Trinity OPC Sermons Information
Name: Randall Klynsma
  Home Page
City: Bridgewater     State: Sd
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Greetings. I was doing a search of South Dakota Reformed and Presbyerian Churches and found a website listing our congregation. I've looked over your site and am very impressed. What a huge amount of time and effort. May the Lord bless and use this website for his glory.

Best regards.


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