Center For Biblical Theology and Eschatology
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Record: 3686
Date: Sun Sep 12 12:28:41 2010
Name: Pankaj P.masih
City: New Delhi     State: Delhi
Country: India
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Dear Tony,

I got to this site thru a search engine.

This is very informative as I had queries and that was addressed very beautifully.

God be with you and bless you abundantly.

Pankaj P. Masih

Record: 3683
Date: Mon Sep 6 11:28:36 2010
Subject: Amillenialism
Name: Mark
City: Montesano     State: Wa
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Thanks for the essay on biblical eschatology, i.e. amillenialism. The straightforward scriptural exegesis was very refreshing to my soul and greatly encouraged me. It was a wonderful Bible study and equips me to give answers to others. There is so much unsound, confusing theology "out there" these days. Appreciate your site - much good stuff to read! I'll be working my way through many topics.

Record: 3682
Date: Sun Aug 29 09:56:18 2010
Subject: Pentalcostalism truths.
Name: Adam Juarez
City: Mission     State: Tx
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    My wife & all the Assembly of God members say I need to speak in tounges. But I disagree, isnt GOD that get to choose a gift for me? Im tired of religous people telln me that I need to seek that gift of tounges to prove I have the evidence of the Holy Spirit.

Record: 3680
Date: Thu Aug 26 08:04:59 2010
Subject: Nephilim
Name: Monica Czyzewski
City: Smyrna     State: De
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I just read your information regarding the "nephilim". After having being told that these Giants did in fact live before the flood and mated with human women hence the "nephilim". I was quite confused and I am currently reading Genesis thoroughly. I am in agreement with you and your biblical findings.

Thank you so much for all your information!


Record: 3677
Date: Fri Aug 20 14:39:34 2010
Subject: Surfing In
Name: Michael
City: Atlanta     State: Georgia
Country: America
Found Site by: Other

    I can't thank you enough for having such a wonderful resource for teachings that praises God, and the Bible studies are just amazing! All of the theology is so Old-school that besides putting a smile on my face, almost makes me want to cry. Thank you so much for keeping Christian Theology real and fresh and not succumbing to modernism.

God Bless!
Atlanta, Ga

Record: 3676
Date: Sun Aug 15 00:50:07 2010
Name: Richard B. Stewart   EmailJUSTME987@NETZERO.COM
City: Milton     State: Fl
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Link

    Thank god for your great site! I have enjoyed reading the bible study section and wanted to thank you for your great work.

Record: 3674
Date: Tue Aug 3 09:01:34 2010
Subject: Googled Biblical Theology
Name: Laura
City: Dover     State: De
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    How come no one bothers to sign guestbooks anymore? And why aren't there any Guestbooks on sites anymore? Was it spam, or the fading away of Christian hospitality that doomed them? Anyway, Thank you for yours, for caring and your special gifts of discernment. I have been reading your articles since I googled biblical theology and decided to sign in. You have a totally "AWESOME" and God glorifying place here. I shall be adding it to my "favourites" listing. Keep up the good work.

Record: 3669
Date: Tue Jul 27 07:05:33 2010
Subject: My pet
Name: Tyre Leblanc
City: Houma     State: La
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I have just lost my pet. I have had pet all my live, but Sebastian, my dog was special. We connected somehow and I felt like he was the only animal that really loved me. Out of the mouth of babes (my 17 yr old) said to me.....that is how God feels about you ALL THE TIME! I have been struggling with my pet going to heaven....and suprisily enough.....even though i am morning my pet...I agree with your aritcle on pets going to heaven. Thank you for writing it. It has really puts things into prospective for me and put my focus back on God where it should be!!!!

Record: 3668
Date: Mon Jul 26 05:45:00 2010
Name: Greg Pridham   EmailClassic Closets
City: Calgary     Country: Canada
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Keep up the GOOD WORK. Finally, a site that proves, rather than presumes! I concur, God bless.

Record: 3660
Date: Sun July 4 18:06:48 2010
Subject: Treatment of Premillennialism
Name: Steven Coleman
City: Virginia City     State: Montana
Country: United States
Found Site by: Link

    Website Authors,
I think your theology is lacking in a reputable defence or defenders. I particularly don't appreciate the way you tear apart the Premillennial doctrines. And everything can't be supported by scripture alone, there is other truth out there like archeology and new found writings. I want you to know that there are some great Premillennial teachers that you could learn a thing or two from instead of following Roman Catholicism, as almost all Reformed educated theologians have done. You have a nice site, but you are closed minded to think there is only one truth in the bible.

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