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Record: 3896
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2015, 7:38 AM
Subject: Same Sex Marriage
Name: Ethan Larouche
City: Baltimore     State: Marryland
Country: Usa
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I wish to express a dissenting opinion to the opinions expressed here about same sex marriage. The sensible reply to these accusations is to ask you to show us how same-sex marriage is wrong. While you oppose it on religious grounds, it is clear many other Christians do not, and believe your stance is in error. Let's sort out the morality of same-sex marriage logically, because it cannot be immoral since it hurts no one. The obvious truth is that legalizing same-sex marriage does not inflict any meaningful involuntary harm. Therefore, it cannot be harmful, immoral or unlawful. People have to change with the times, and that includes backward Christians.

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Record: 3895
Date: Friday, June 26, 2015, 10:51 AM
Subject: The God of His Will
Name: Jeffrey Robinson
City: Madison     State: Wisconsin
Country: Usa
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    I was reading a couple articles on your site about "the meaning of life" and "how do I become saved" and never quite realized before how intricately involved God's sovereignty is in all this. I really didn't quite understand until I read the comments about a pitiful God worrying and wringing his hands in despair "hoping" that a few of us will be good enough to come to him and be saved. I think it was then that it hit home about God being sovereignty, and how God is just the opposite. He's powerful so that he makes sure there are many saved, according to his will. I love how you speak to the common man in the common language that we can readily understand. I thank God for you being there.

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Record: 3894
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 6:33 PM
Subject: Doctrines of Grace
Name: Alexander Jackson
City: Salem     State: Oregon
Country: Usa
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I just want to say that I find this prevailing attitude that the only reason people don't agree with Reformed Theology is because we (1)desire free will to get credit, (2)don't have the spirit to accept truth, or we (3) don't or can't understand it, to be very condescending. Perhaps we just see it as mechanical, robotic and lacking in responsibility.

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Record: 3893
Date: Monday, May 4, 2015, 6:10 38 Sec. AM
Subject: The Health of the church
Name: Steve Thompson
City: Santa Fe     State: New Mexico
Country: Usa
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    I would like to take an opposing view to the critics that claim that most of the church today is in bad spiritual shape. Yes, some churches have fallen to liberal, divergent and in some cases deviant philosophies and I'm the first to admit that. But how is that "most" churches? Some of these Reformed ministers have gone way overboard in their assessment of the present day church. No church is perfect so they all have their faults, but to make a blanket statement that most of the church is in apostasy today I think is overstepping boundaries. I believe that most churches are filled with good people doing their best to be compassionate and kind. So we should ease up on them. Thanks.

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Record: 3892
Date: Friday, May 1, 2015, 9:09 15 Sec. PM
Name: Monty Cline
State: W.v.
Country: U.s.a.
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    Tulip is false doctrine, man has freewill. God is no respector of persons- He gives man a choice to go to heaven or hell by choosing or denying Christ's gospel by conditional, not unconditional choice.

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Record: 3891
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 1:09 AM
Subject: Love in Florida
Name: Dr. Marc Selby
City: Orlando     State: Florida
Country: Usa
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We love you here in Florida. It's great to know that there is a great big Christian family out there that I can happily belong to in this day of drought. May God Bless you.

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Record: 3890
Date: Thursday, April 9, 2015, 4:18 AM
Subject: Ministry
Name: Brian Hensley
City: Pequannock     State: New Jersey
Country: United States
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    Great work in the gospel truth. We will pray for your work, and please pray for our work in Korea.

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Record: 3889
Date: Sunday, February 1, 2014, 3:55 AM
Subject: Large Resource
Name: Steve Perry
State: Mississippi
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Word of Mouth

Well, I can say you've got a super large collection of writings on your site, but that's about all the good I can say about it. Because reformed theology is an invention of John Calvin. And how do you mix Spurgeon in with Martin Luther? Spurgeon was Baptist, not reformed. Just because he didn't believe in free will you think you are brethren? Free will was his error, but that's his only error. Free will allows me to come to your site and free will allows me to leave it. God doesn't make me.

You should know that a large collection of bad theology is as bad as a small collection of bad theology.

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Record: 3887
Date: Friday, December 5, 2014, 4:15 55 Sec. PM
Subject: Thank You!
Name: Dwight Coffman
City: Liberty     State: Ky
Country: Usa
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    I just discovered your site today as I was studying covenant and new covenant theology. Very well done! I owe you a great debt of gratitude for the work that you have made available. I am 58 years old and have been in “full-time” ministry since the mid 1980’s. The early years of my Christian life were in Southern and Independent Baptist churches. Needless to say, I received a heavy indoctrination in “Scofieldism” and dispensational teachings. My journey has been long and tedious. I came to see the doctrines of grace as I studied the scriptures. By God’s providence a book by A.W. Pink came into my hands as I browsed a bookstore many years ago. It was his Gleanings in Exodus writings. Many of my brothers in the Lord began to caution me that he was a “hyper-calvinist” (their term). At the time, I didn’t know what the term even meant, nor did they.

The teaching of a “secret rapture” bothered me but who was I to disagree with Scofield and Darby. Little by little the Lord brought me to see how wrong this teaching was. As you can imagine, many of the men I had known for years began to disassociate from me because of these things. The high pressure evangelism and altar call methods left me cold and with a feeling that emotions were being manipulated. This was especially true where school age children were involved in the services.
I have been studying eschatology again and trying to figure out what is the scriptural teaching and what I really believe the bible teaches about these things. Your site has been a goldmine. I have several volumes in my library on the subject but have bookmarked your page for easy access.

I didn’t mean to write anything this lengthy, but certainly did want to thank you for being a vessel used of our Lord to help this servant in my ongoing search for truth. May His hand of Grace continue to be upon you and all involved in the upkeep of the website. Thanks again!
A fellow servant of Christ,
Dwight Coffman
Liberty, KY

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Record: 3886
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2014, 3:41 13 Sec. PM
Subject: Reformed Theology
Name: Danisa
City: Pretoria     State: Gauteng
Country: South Africa
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I am Afrikaner, and this country was once (generally speaking) reformed in our christian theology. That is no longer the case. But I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled across your site and read such wonderful old school reformed christian teachings. I am very impressed with the look and feel of this resource. Great opportunity for outreach!

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