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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 20
Date: 2/23/00 12:35:02 AM
Subject: Reformed Web site
Name: Jason Watson
City: N/A    

    Mr. Warren,

As a Christian who is starting on the road to real maturity, I was ecstatic to find your webpage. I am fully convinced of letting the Bible say what it wants and not what we want and that is exactly what reformed theology is to me. I want to encourage and thank you for the resources in this website. I pray that God's work in you will continue to bless many saints to come.

Joyfully In Christ,
Jason Watson

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Record: 19
Date: 2/17/00 6:17:15 PM
Subject: Hi
Name: Mark Priestap
City: Toledo Oh.    

    Mr. Warren,
I'm SO greatful for your writings I found on the internet. I'm a Christian in a dispensational brethren church in Toledo, OH who has been seeking to know God's word better for about a year and a half. Your writings about the feasts of Leviticus and the Kingdom of Christ have really been a blessing to my heart. It's hard when you find yourself disagreeing with people you love, but the Bible says what it says....hopefully God will give me meekness of heart so I can understand more and not be proud.

Mark Priestap

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Record: 18
Date: 2/1/00 10:18:03 AM
Subject: Age of Accountability
Name: Tricia marshall
City: N/A    

    That has got to be the best article on the age of accountability that I have ever read. I almost overlooked it, you should place it out front where everyone can read it as it is so biblically right on. Great site. I will be reading forever but it's well worth it. I particularly like the way you don't make things so hard to understand. Keep up the great work. Gotta tell my christian friends about this one.

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Record: 17
Date: 12/29/99 11:13:09 AM
Subject: Sabbath Message
Name: Eric Platt
City: N/A    

    I enjoyed your sermon on the Sabbath - It is the position I have taken. Good stuff. When Adam was first created the first thing that happened to him was that he entered into the finished work of his creator. He entered that lovely garden with all provided for his good and enjoyment. It could be said that he entered with God into his rest on the seventh day, as we do with Christ enter into his rest. There is so much in Genesis in those first four chapters.
Every blessing
Eric Platt

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Record: 16
Date: 12/3/99 8:04:29 PM
Subject: 23 Psalm
Name: Bill Stark
City: N/A    

    Hello Tony,...............after reading most of the articles on this page, I find your writings most informative, Im a relatively new Christian and the teachings one finds coming into the church, in these times are rather confusing. I was introduced to the pre-tribulation doctrine, almost at once. And just assumed, that was normal Bible teachings. It took awhile to wade through, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the unbiblical nonsence I was to come up against. And I know longer believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. Even I, a new person in the Lord, was able to see many falsehoods Just by reading my Bible and Prayer, So I wasn't surprised to be lead to this page. I can feel myself growing in leaps and bounds through the Holy Spirit, and I know He's taught through you at times. And this brings me to my question; For some time now, the first part of verse 5 in the 23 Psalm (" Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:) its meaning has not been reviled to me, to my satisfaction. I wonder,if you would be kind enough to share your thoughts on this wonderful verse for me? It would me most appreciated!

Bill Stark

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Record: 15
Date: 11/24/99 8:58:26 PM
Subject: Your Site
Name: Steve Clark
City: Southern California    

You have a much needed great site......I thought for awhile that I was alone in the way that I read the Bible. The "professing churches " of the radio and television of our day's are preaching another Gospel. I am truly 100% a reformed Christian.I have been ready reformed "puritan literature" for years. I found very little success in hearing that message preached anywhere!! I was ready to start my own church.I suppose you would know of a true church in the Southern California area?If you have any idea's please let me know.
In Christs love,
Steve Clark

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Record: 14
Date: 11/16/99 3:31:00 PM
Subject: Abomination of Desolation
Name: Peter
City: Ohio    

    Hi Tony,
A very faithful reformed Christian brother has recently left the church to found his own church. I was very puzzled and decided to meet up with him. Apparently, the leader of the church did not accept his view on today’s Israel, that it is no longer referring to the political nation, but rather the covenant people of God in the New Testament. We had a very short time of discussion on this subject; I for one was completely thrown off balance when I heard it. I was one of those who have been taught to focus on Israel today and see how God is going to fulfill the promise He made to Abraham in Genesis.

I did a search on the web, lo and behold, your web page (Israel of God) appeared within the first 10 hits. I must say the article was well written and am glad God has used it to enlighten my mind on what His Word teaches. For this, I truly thank God for you and your work published on the web, I have since been visiting your site to feast upon the teachings.

However, I would like to draw your attention to a page that I’ve been having great difficulty in retrieving, (Abomination of Desolation)

Is the address correct or are there some problems with the server or something? It seems every time I try to retrieve, it just doesn’t respond. I would very much want to understand what God teaches on the subject, as compared to what I have been taught.

God bless,
Peter Oh

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Record: 13
Date: 11/15/99 8:32:10 PM
Subject: Your Site
Name: Paula
City: N/A    

I've been visiting your site, and I am so thrilled by your articles. I'm working on a webpage right now, and I would love to place links to some of them if you would allow me. Your email address looks familiar to me, and I'm not sure if I've spoken with you before.

Since my actual page isn't up yet, here's the link to my church. . You may have already seem that site. I'm not sure, but you seem to believe the Rapture/end-times like we do.

You are a very good writer, and I'm getting so much from your work. I would like to share it with others who visit my site.

In Christ,
Paula Frye

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Record: 12
Date: 10/19/99 4:51:43 PM
Subject: Smiles!
Name: Ruth Antwine
City: N/A    

    Mr. Warren,
    wow, yes!, oh boy. i just had the PLEASURE of reading your paper entitled 2Thess 2---yes! i am exicted. i loved it. the insight was amazing. i learned of the idea its not A anti-christ but many and they come from within. the idea that it isnt any one guy is a relief really. i saw many other things i never really looked close at before too. wow. this was refreshing. im looking forward to looking thru more of your papers but i really needed to drop you a line letting you know it ministered in a great way. its so diffuclt anymore to find "plain teaching". Ilove the Word and i love God, im not a fanatic tho--just bubbly exicted by this. it was a great morning---again, thank you---ruth

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Record: 11
Date: 10/6/99 2:46:41 AM
Subject: Thank You
Name: Jyrice
City: N/A    

    Thank you for a job well done on your Christian music midi page. I visit it often to listen to these great hymns you have put here. It is a blessing.
Your brother,

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