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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 3841
Date: Fri Jun 29 03:04:29 2012
Subject: For the Hardness of your Heart
Name: Rhea
City: LV     State: Nevada
Country: Usa
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    Love the discussion forum. It was the first time I had ever heard a good explanation of why divorce was allowed "because of the hardness of your hearts" in a clear and biblically justifiable way. Why he hated it but allowed it. Eye Opening!!!! There is a spiritual meaning to everything, isn't there. God be praised! Keep up the great work here guys!

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Record: 3840
Date: Wed Jun 27 20:23:22 2012
Name: Patricia
State: Ohio
Country: Usa
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    I read your article on Michael the Archangel - Michael is NOT Jesus -- Jesus is the Son of God

Where is the scripture that specifically says this - No Where!! Cannot be found. Jesus was given different names but Michael was not one of them

This sounds like Jehovah Witness

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Record: 3838
Date: Wed Jun 27 03:38:43 2012
Subject: The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
Name: Aaron Baker
City: Downingtown     State: Pennsylvania
Country: America
Found Site by: Word of Mouth

Blessings all,
I Read the ebook on your site about the fourth gospel possibly not being written by thy Aposatle John. And I must say that I was both surprised at how much was in scripture on the subject, and thoroghly impressed with the examination of the question by the author. Thanks to all of you at the Center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology. I simply love all the articles on this great resource for the gospel. It helps keep one grounded in the bible, checking things out.

I do have one question though, what would you suggest that we call the gospel of John now? And is the one whom Jesus loved a metaphor for all saved people?

Aaron Baker
Central Presbyterian Church
Downingtown, PA.

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Record: 3837
Date: Tue Jun 26 3:25:01 2012
Subject: Divorce and Remarriage
Name: Kelly Masterson
City: Camden     State: New Jersey
Country: United States of America
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I respect your opinions, but homosexuality being a sin is not an open and shut case as you try and paint it. It is your opinion and your interpretation. There are many Reformed and Presbyterian Churches who are now dealing with the issue on a loving and evidential basis. That is to say, these good people that are otherwise faithful are God's children too, and are to be considered brethren with the same sin as heterosexuals. I suggest you see other Churches who are accepting of homosexuality and are growing because of it. Not losing members like Churches who condemn it. Learn from your mistakes. The world is changing!

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Record: 3836
Date: Mon Jun 11 8:40:09 2012
Subject: Born with the Homosexual Trait
Name: Michael Robbins
City: Brookhaven     State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Found Site by: Friend

I respect your opinions, but homosexuality being a sin is not an open and shut case as you try and paint it. It is your opinion and your interpretation. There are many Reformed and Presbyterian Churches who are now dealing with the issue on a loving and evidential basis. That is to say, these good people that are otherwise faithful are God's children too, and are to be considered brethren with the same sin as heterosexuals. I suggest you see other Churches who are accepting of homosexuality and are growing because of it. Not losing members like Churches who condemn it. Learn from your mistakes. The world is changing!

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Record: 3835
Date: Sun Jun 2 12:27:12 2012
Subject: Do Animals Go To Heaven?
Name: Maria Matinez
City: Tucson     State: Arizona
Country: USA
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    Don't like your teaching that pets or animals like our horses or even the cows of India don't go to heaven. You can't always take the Bible Literally. Animals are good also. And not just for food. Sometimes animals are a lot better than people. The Bible isn't the end all on the questions of spirituality. Sometimes you have to just use common sense and see the love in animals. And love goes to heaven. The Bible doesn't teach everything to be taken at face value.

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Record: 3834
Date: Thu May 31 03:17:14 2012
Subject: Tribulation
Name: Michael Setaro
City: Diamond Bar     State: California
Country: U.S.A.
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    I agree with your position on eschatology, and also disagree. Let me explain. I don't agree with your position that there is no pretribulation rapture. You say that there is no biblical basis to believe the pre-trib theory. But what about this being mentioned in Matthew 24:22, "but for the sake of the elect those days shall be cut short." Doesn't that mean the elect will be taken out, for their sakes? I think so.

Love the site and the way you focus on sharing the gospel so that people will be prepared any time Christ may come.

Warm Regards,
Michael Setaro

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Record: 3833
Date: Mon May 7 22:00:25 2012
Subject: Feedback
Name: Trevor Young
City: Alexander City     State: Alabama
Country: U S A
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    Hi Tony,
I am so happy to have found your website a few years ago when I was teaching Sunday School and was looking for help on lessons about getting back to basics. We have been very interested in your writings ever since and want to know if you are Presbyterian? It blesses my heart so to read and hear the wonderful message of God's sovereign grace and unfailing love in your "down to earth with us mortals" manner.

Thank you.

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Record: 3832
Date: Tue May 1 10:45:34 2012
Name: Glen Lang
City: Wilmington     State: Delaware
Country: America
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    Outstanding context, the best Christian resource on the internet. I particularly like the scholarly step by step biblical rebuke by many authors of the errors of Dispensationalism. It is so rare to see real biblical teachings these days, this site is a great blessing to all who pass by.

Ephesians 4:11-12
"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."

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Record: 3831
Date: Sat Apr 28 20:30:56 2012
Subject: Rebellions of the Church
Name: Antonio Alessandro
City: Napoli     Country: Italy
Found Site by: Word of Mouth

    Don't understand why you think so highly of scripture over the Magisterium and Catholic Exegetes. The sacred Magisterium are a reflection of the most Holy Trinity and Church. The rebellion of the Reformation is a prime example of the error that produced the schism within Western Christianity and the growth of infidels and evangelicals. Rather than pride in it, you should teach against such rebellions that surely don't go unpunished.

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