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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 167
Date: Fri Apr 1 10:02:58 2005
Subject: Cussing
Name: Travis Tagliareni
City: Ohio    

    Hi, my name is Travis Tagliareni and I am currently a student at Ohio State. I just wanted to write and thank you for your excellent dissertation on cussing. I must admit that it is a vice that I have been having a problem with lately. But I wasn't really taking it too seriously until I read your article. I don't know why I thought these words were acceptable for Christians, but your writing caused me to take a long hard look at myself and realize that I was not being a good example of Christ. I didn't like what I saw. It is so difficult to let go of worldly habbits with peer pressure when you are young, but I have renewed my efforts thanks to your straight talk. I'm not even using replacement words anymore, and guess what? I have found I don't need them! Thank you so much for relentlessly pursuing the truth and helping me to grow in grace. And I know, as you would say, all thanks go to the Lord.

Travis Tagliareni
impressionable Student

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Record: 165
Date: Fri Mar 11 02:30:16 2005
Subject: Eschatology
Name: William Callender
City: California    

    To whom it may concer,

I am a student in seminary and was told by a friend that I might find some interesting reading in your eschatology section. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised and delighted at the gold mine that I found. Particularly with the writings of Tony Warren whose habit of explaining chapters "verse by verse" in a clear understandable way, was very refreshing. That each case made is backed up with scripture is what I found unique about his interpretation. I am also a big fan of Kim Riddlebarger, and David J. Engelsma whose articles also enlightened rather than confused.

May I encourage you to keep up the great work. If I were a dean, I would make that section required reading.

Bill C.

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Record: 164
Date: Sun Feb 27 15:17:42 2005
Subject: Marys Perpetual Virginity
Name: Eliz
City: Usa    

    Dear Charolette,

You Quoted;
"No, the early Roman Catholic Church believed in Mary's perpetual virginity because it was a fact."

These are the facts...

Mt 13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?

Mr 6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.

Ac 1:14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.

Ro 3:4 yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

These are the facts... from God's word, the bible.
Please read it.
Thank you
In Christ

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Record: 163
Date: Tue Feb 15 02:40:57 2005
Subject: Mary,s Perpetual Virginity
Name: Charlotte Johnson
City: Boston, Mass.    

    Obviously this is not new but was a very early belief of the church in Mary's perpetual virginity. And it could not have developed if she had children because they would have been prominent Christians. No, the early Roman Catholic Church believed in Mary's perpetual virginity because it was a fact. You are wrong and you should stop preaching that she had other children. In the New Testament we see how Mary is honored by all other creatures, and so for the Roman catholic Church to give her honor is not wrong. Please correct your doctrine.

Sister Charlotte Johnson

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Record: 162
Date: Thu Feb 10 18:56:33 2005
Subject: Animals/Heaven
Name: Kathy
City: Pennsylvania    

I agree with many of the scriptural statements regarding Christ being the center of our focus regarding Heaven, and leading people to salvation as being a priority in our lives. However, I find your views of animals not going to Heaven as being arrogant and narrow minded. The Bible does not tell us that animals will go to Heaven, although, I'm suggesting that you study Hebrew and Aramaic writings. If all humans could possess the same traits as my dogs, the world would be a much better place in which to live. Animals don't sin, and don't need forgiveness. Humans do sin, and need God's forgiveness! Don't presume that you know everything pertaining to this issue!

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Record: 160
Date: Fri Jan 21 16:52:59 2005
Subject: Age of Accountability Article
Name: Joey
City: Usa, Ca. Torrance    

    Dear Tony,

I just wanted to let you know that I was extremely blessed in reading your article on “The Age of Accountability”. I loved how you blasted every point home with scripture as your only guide, and never appealing to human reason, as is so often done in today’s ‘evan-jellyfish’ world view. I used it with a relative of mine who is of the ‘Apostolic movement’, (in short a Modalist/Jesus only). As you know all modalists defend free will and infant salvation to the death, based only on their feelings and not Sola Scriptura.

I pray the Lord would continue to bless your teaching and writing ministry and look forward to reading your other works.

Thanks again and may YHWH truly bless you!

To YHWH Be the Glory
Great things he has Done!


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Record: 159
Date: Thu Jan 20 20:27:43 2005
Subject: Biblical Timeline
Name: Michael Woodmansee
City: Marin County, Ca Usa    

    I have to admit I am interested in the calender of history according to the bible. But I can't help to notice these verses in the new testament that warns of paying attention to genealogies.
1 Timothy 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
please respond to me

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Record: 158
Date: Mon Jan 17 17:12:25 2005
Subject: The Israel of God
Name: Samuel Gueiros Pessoa
City: Brazil, Ceara, Fortaleza    

    Dear Dr Warren

I have read your most interesting article and I would like to express my delight in the way you have presented a different but biblical aproach to the subject. Your article is a novelty and it has unveiled my mind about the treasures of Israel.

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Record: 155
Date: Thu Jan 6 04:59:48 2005
Subject: Church Search
Name: Li Peng
City: Tachikawa, Tokyo Japan    

    Christian brethren,

I appreciate your website and the great resources you provide. I wish we had more like this in japan. I will be soon moving to Virginia to work, and I am searching for a good church. That is how I happened upon your site. God bless you.

In Christ,
Li Peng
Tachikawa City, Tokyo Japan

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Record: 153
Date: Tue Dec 14 10:39:42 2004
Subject: Predestination
Name: Maiya
City: Jamaica    

    I don't like your theology on predestination. The bible says we have to receive Christ, and how do you think that we do that without free will? We are not computer programs as puritans teach, we are people with free agency.

You won't be straight until you get the giving freely part down right. Predestination is not acceptable to the church because it's not what is really taught.

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