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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 11
Date: 10/6/99 2:46:41 AM
Subject: Thank You
Name: Jyrice
City: N/A    

    Thank you for a job well done on your Christian music midi page. I visit it often to listen to these great hymns you have put here. It is a blessing.
Your brother,

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Record: 10
Date: 9/30/99 5:55:40 PM
Subject: Seminary
Name: Tim Gwin
City: N/A    

    Hey Tony,

Thank you for your faithfulness with the Mountain Retreat. I have gleaned much Biblical info from both the site and the board. I have learned much in regards to what the Bible has to say about the end times. I am a first year seminary student. What a blessing it is. My question is have you ever studied Francis Turretin. In my systematic theology classes we are using his Eclentics, Vol. one. The concepts are not difficult but the language and style of the translation are given me a hard time. Do you have any suggestions for studying works by our reformed fathers?

Also, thanks for the post on "abomination of desolation", I found it most helpful.

In Christ,

Tim Gwin

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Record: 9
Date: 9/13/99 11:16:15 AM
Subject: Temple Study
Name: Bill Grimes
City: N/A    

    Dear Tony,

I scanned with interest your study of the prophecies concerning the temple. I plan to read it more thoroughly shortly. I must say, I've never seen anything like it.

At our church, we have endured an onslaught from a gang of full preterists who say that in Matthew 24, Jesus prophesied, not only the destruction of the temple and the city of Jerusalem but also of His Second Coming to include the resurrection of the dead and the Great White Throne Judgment. They constantly harp on the time statements such as "this generation shall not pass away until all these thing be fulfilled."

It is clear from your study that you don't think that this prophecy concerns the literal temple. How do you interpret the rest of the passage? What exactly was supposed to happen before that generation died out?

Thanks for your time & look forward to your answer.

Yours in our Strong Savior,
Bill Grimes

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Record: 8
Date: 9/11/99 12:57:21 AM
Subject: Manard P.S.
Name: Tony Montano
City: N/A    

    P.S. I sent Manard your writings (Via Snail-mail):
The Israel of God &
The Timing of the Rapture

He said:
"It would weary me at this moment to write a point by point refutation of each of these, though in theory a difficult task it would not be."

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Do you know of any good reviews of Ryrie's "Dispensationalism" on the Web?

In Christ, Tony

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Record: 7
Date: 9/8/99 1:38:51 AM
Subject: Rev 20
Name: Sovgrc
City: N/A    

    Coming from a missionary baptist background, I fought the soverignty of God. but when I started studying the doctrines of grace for myself I realized the error of my ways. I learned to listen to as many interpretations as possible before making a decision on what to believe.I'm now worshiping aright. I'm sending some of your material to a friend in the UK. He has been trying to sell me on premillenialism ever since he found out I was an amillenialists. Pray with me that God gives him ears to hear.I hope you will . regards,

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Record: 6
Date: 9/6/99 10:15:06 PM
Subject: Your Web Site
Name: Duane E. Miller
City: N/A    

        I have been doubly blessed this day to have found your site via Pastor Bacon's exposition "The NIV: Simply a Bad Translation." I am excited that I may come under further teaching of the faithful presentation of God's Word. Essentially, I am unchurched for a lack of biblically faithful congregations in the Salem/Canton/Youngstown area. They are either Arminian, freewill, charismatic, Romish, or have come under the headship of women. Tried a PCA congregation not too long ago and found myself under the instruction of a woman in Bible class and the worship service preceeded by a praise service. What am I to do? There are plenty of PCUSA Presbyterian churches and ELCA Lutheran churches in the area, but they have joined together and are moving to un-Reformation with Rome. In fact there are congregations in both of these denominations exchanging pulpits with the local RC parishes. Even though it may not be scriptural (and I believe Pastor Bacon teaches against it) I am moving towards electronic fellowship and worship. Not very uplifting, but at least I am able to come under the hearing of the Word rightly divided. Thanks for you site, I hope to use it for myself and to share in evangelism.

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Record: 5
Date: 9/4/99 10:15:06 PM
Subject: Your Millennial Study
Name: Robert Leclaire
City: N/A    

        Sir, I just finished reading your eschatology series and I was thoroughly impressed with the biblical manner in which you approach the scriptures. Thanks to you and other faithful authors like David Engelsma and Lee Irons I have gained a whole new perspective of the issue. Having once believed in the Premillennial position, I am grateful for sites such as this one which prod us to search the scriptures and take heed to what they say. Bless you and your ministry.

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Record: 4
Date: 9/1/99 10:18:10 AM
Subject: The One True Holy Catholic Church
Name: Mary Philip
City: N/A    

        As a catholic, I don't agree with your teachings. You wouldn't even have the bible if not for us. Our church is the authority, and what you teach is rebellion against the Holy Father. I respect your sincerity, but you should listen to the teachings of the catholic church for it is the pillar and ground of the truth, not the bible. Our church leaders decided what was bible and what was not, and you can't take that away from us, as you took other books away. Repent and we'll welcome you back to the one true church.

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Record: 3
Date: 9/1/99 7:26:20 PM
Subject: Wow! I just read the Tribulation piece your wrote
Name: Laurie Jorgensen
City: N/A    

    And now I know why God prompted me to search for "Tony Warren" on the internet. I've been listening to preaching by Greg Laurie and Mike MacIntosh (my pastor) about Revelations as well reading the "Left Behind" series of books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. As cautioned in 1 John 4, I always take the doctrine of man back to the Scriptures to find out what God said. While the "Left Behind" books are great fiction, they are just that--fiction. Several times over the past few weeks I have put down the books, shut off the radio, and stopped the cassette tapes to pick up the Word of God. I've been concerned because there was a quiet voice inside me saying "No, it isn't as they say."

I had not yet found John 17, which so clearly states that Jesus is praying for God to protect us while we REMAIN IN THE WORLD! Thanks for pointing that out. But here are the things the Holy Spirit has been pointing out to me that also make it so very clear. Revelation 6 is about the first four seals, which are the four horses and riders. The teachings I have heard say that these four are not loosed until after the rapture. Hmmm...the first seal, the rider on the white horse is assumed to be antichrist. 1 John 4:3 says that the spirit of antichrist "even now is already in the world." How can that be if the church "will first be raptured and then the Tribulation" as some say. Hmmm...and why does the third horse (the scales of justice? judgment?) get a clear command from heaven not to damage the oil and the wine? Aren't we as true believers and followers of Christ, the oil and the wine. How could we be damaged if we've been "raptured" and are no longer here. Hmmm...when the fifth seal is opened the souls of the martyred saints cry out from under the altar for judgment. But they are told "wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been WAS COMPLETED." That means it was yet to be done; how so if the believers were already raptured. I know that many explain this away by saying this means the new converts--wrong answer. Even as I look back to Revelation 5, I'm starkly aware of the absence of believers in heaven. It talks about the elders and the angels and all the creatures IN the earth--I don't see any believers in that throng before the throne. The closest they seem to get at this point is under the altar (Rev. 6:9). I see further contradiction of the rapture-before-tribulation theory in Revelation 7:1-3. "After this (referring to the opening of the first six seals) . . . I (John) saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: 'Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees UNTIL we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of God.'" I know it is said that this are those Jews converted after the rapture--again, I think wrong answer. It isn't until Rev. 7:9-17 that John actually sees those who have come out of the great tribulation. The implication is that these believers came out of the middle of the tribulation, not before it.

So what of the misled teaching of such respected preachers and teachers of this day? My soul is fearful that many shall be deceived and curse God when they suffer the tribulation. In those days, will they say "God has forsaken me?" and thus let their love grow cold? God forbid--we must encourage our brothers to hold fast to the Word of the Lord so that when that day comes--and it will come soon--the will stand fast in the assurance of their faith, hidden under the wing of the Almighty. Matthew 24 needs to be written on the table of our hearts so that we will discern the deception when it comes, which is already here.

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Record: 2
Date: 8/26/99 10:10:08 PM
Subject: The Feast of Tabernacles
Name: Frank Watson
City: N/A    

        The feast of tabernacles article was a real eye opener. I had never really even thought about the third feast until I came upon this page. I can say one thing, you do get people reading scripture and finding out things we wouldn't normally do. Very interesting Page.

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