Letters on the Mountain!
Record: 4066
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 3:20 AM
Subject: Just Surfed in
Name: Benjamin
City: Manchester
State: New Hampshire
Country: Usa
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Old school teachings, old school preaching, old school authors, old school sermons, even old school website. You think that will draw anyone to Christ?
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Record: 4064
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2022, 11:50 AM
Subject: Christ and Him Crucified
Name: Adrienne
Homepage: English Reformed Church of Amsterdam
City: Amsterdam
State: North Holland
Country: Netherlands
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Very solid teachings here. I particularly like how you stick to the bible alone as man's instructor. Plainly stated, there really are only two groups of Christianity. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Everything else grew out of these two trees. And Reformed Theology is the root of Protestantism. The theology of the Protestant church unlike others originally hung on sola scriptura and the doctrines of grace as its foundations. Historical Christ-like evangelicalism is from the solid Rock of Christ's unabridged teachings. Even as preacher C.H. Spurgeon said, “there is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified unless we preach the Doctrines of Grace. Personally, after reading some posts on the misconceptions produced by calling it Calvinism, I vow never to call it Calvinism because it is pure "Christianity." It didn't come from John Calvin or any other man but Jesus Christ. This it should not bear any man's name but Christ. Any ism inherently leads one to believe it came from that man connected to it. It's time to get theology back to its root, who is Christ.
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Record: 4059
Date: Monday, July 18, 2022, 2:42 18 Sec. AM
Subject: Reformed Theology
Name: Timothy Whitney
City: St. Louis
State: Missouri
Country: Usa
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The way you guys talk you would think that Calvinism or the Reformed Theology, is the only real doctrine of the true Christians? The fact is, Dispensationalism is the most popular theological Christian doctrine and thus should be treated with respect.
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Record: 4058
Date: Monday, July 18, 2022, 9:40 39 Sec. PM
Subject: Reformed Christian Literature
Name: Don Selph
City: Hazleton
State: Pa
Country: Usa
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I really appreciate the ministry of the mountain retreat biblical resources of long-forgotten Christian literature and articles that ministers to the open mind of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. The rest of the Reformed evangelical world seems to have its feet floating in the air, but the Mountain Retreat lives up to its name. This site is an intelligent piety for every sphere of Christian living.
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Record: 4033
Date: Saturday, March 12, 2022, 12:45 09 Sec. PM
Name: John Alvies
City: West Valley City
State: Utah
Country: Usa
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I have a son who has married a Mormon girl and is now a temple Mormon. As you must surely know they will not consider as truth anything that is not LDS. And that includes the bible. I have found a lot of cogent and unassailable biblical points and truths from the writer Tony Warren. I like my truth unfiltered, just like I like my Bible.
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Record: 4023
Date: Monday, January 24, 2022, 3:47
Subject: Good Sound Biblical Teachings
Name: Shelton Miller
Homepage: Cornerstone Orthodox Presbyterian Church
City: Ambler
State: Pa
Country: Usa
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Wow! This is an oasis of biblical truth, love of the bible, charitable conservatism, and the promulgation of its Reformed theology roots. The use of the internet today for blogging and circulating fox news opinions, and the evangelical texting craze have taken so much away from reading the bible. The thoughtful communication we once had and the ability to rightly divide the word of truth has been negatively affected, Televangelists. The result is that professing Christians are often so ignorant of what the bible actually says that they are unwilling to actually search it themselves for the truth for fear it might contradict their favorite minister or preacher. But the resources here, untainted by liberal or conservative biases, are so refreshing in our day and age. God bless this library, its resources, and you guys for remaining faithful to the bible, rather than bible teachers, tradition, or seminary indoctrination, for all these years.
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Record: 4022
Date: Monday, November 15, 2021 3:24 AM
Name: Adrian Jansen
City: Noordwijk-Binnen
State: South Holland
Country: Netherlands
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If I have one criticism of this Christian website it is that you guys did a lot of deconstruction of traditional views of limited divorce in declaring there should be no divorce at all. So I think there needed to have been done more reconstruction in explaining more plainly why there shouldn't be any divorce. But I guess you felt truth needed to start somewhere, and that means just put it out there and let Christians find the articles themselves. Maybe you should have pointed them to the truth explained in the articles here rather than just say this is God's law and always has been. But keep up the good work.
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Record: 4008
Date: Sunday, September 5, 2021, 10:50 18 PM
Subject: End Times
Name: Jesse
City: Dokkum
State: Friesland
Country: Netherlands
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Good stuff here brother. The end times are upon us and it's so rare to see the truth published. Even in Reformed churches.
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Record: 4005
Date: Monday, August 2, 2021, 12:00 22 Sec. PM
Subject: Respect Not Given
Name: Travis Johnson
City: Mobile
State: Alabama
Country: Usa
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I am very disappointed that your site allows ministers to continue to make harmful and disparaging comments about Dispensationalism. I understand it is not your position. However, since thousands of Christians hold to this doctrine I would think you could be more respectful towards it. Claiming it is unbiblical is not being respectful. It is denigrating it. Can you kindly remove such articles from your resource list?
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Record: 4003
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 8:01 40 Sec. PM
Name: Sherman Cataldi
City: Valle d'Aosta
Country: Italy
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This is only the second time I've come across a truly great Reformed resource with outstanding eschatology, great Systematic Theology, and scripture-based sermons. Great job guys. I have bookmarked it and will be coming back.
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