Letters on the Mountain!
Record: 218
Date: Sat Jun 17 11:56:53 2006
Subject: We Are All Brethren
Name: Juanita Eskin
City: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hi, My name is Juanita Eskin and I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I wanted to write you about your ministry and tell you that you are being far too harsh on the current Church. I'd be the last to say that it is a bastion of faithfulness, but your harsh treatment of Pastors such as Rick Warren, Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen is just uncalled for. These are good Christians just like you. Simply because their philosophy is not as conservative as yours doesn't make them false teachers. Have some respect for these people please. Let';s all stick together instead of putting the law between us. In His Service, Juanita
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Record: 217
Date: Tue May 30 20:24:51 2006
Subject: Selah
Name: Christian
City: New Jersey
I use google search and found your explanation of Selah and it was very helpful and very biblical. I found myself really benefit from this article a lot.Just want to convey my appreciation to the writer. God bless
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Record: 216
Date: Sun May 21 15:22:00 2006
Subject: Christian Music
Name: Josh T
City: Alabama
Tony Warren, with all due respect your article on "So-called" Christian Music is absolutely ridiculous. Christian Rock and Christian Rock are not wrong by any stretch of the imagination and are a good tool for those who may not have listened to Christian music otherwise.
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Record: 213
Date: Mon Apr 24 19:14:13 2006
Subject: Eunuchs or Homosexuals
Name: Don Cataldi
City: Utah
Tony Warren, just a few lines concerning your article on Eunuchs. This has to be one of the very best and the most sound of all the explanations that I have ever read on this subject. This is a subject that had puzzled me for a long time, but now it all makes sense. It has nothing whatsoever to do with homosexuals. And I appreciate the no nonsence way you present the scriptures. I am so sick of modern theologians tip toeing around issues like predestination, homosexuality and divorce as if God never spoke on these subjects. Go tell it on the mountain brother, and God be with you. Thank you for this article, as it has been a great help to me. And thank you for speaking plainly on Predestination and Divorce.
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Record: 207
Date: Fri Mar 31 14:51:14 2006
Subject: The Age of Accountability
Name: Betty Anne
City: South Carolina
Dear Pastor Warren, Your opinion that scripture doesn't support the idea of an age of accountability is well spoken but wrong. Children are innocent and not accountable for sin until they are of age. That's just common sense. I know people who are 20 years old and are still children. You think they have sin? Plus the Jewish law says you are not accountable until you are the age of 12. And we Christians come from the Jewish law. Everyone is not sinners, only those old enough to know to sin are sinners. Children just don't have the inclination to sin. Now I respect your opinion and all, but I think it's wrong to place sin on children. Adults sin because they've grown hateful, children are still innocent when they are young. I would appreciate your thoughts on this topic. Sincerely, Betty Anne
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Record: 205
Date: Thu Feb 16 12:18:59 2006
Subject: The Sabbath
Name: Andy Leggit
City: Colorado
Sir, I disagree with your contention that Sunday is the new day set aside of the Lord for the Church to worship and assemble. That's the Catholic's error in changing the day. Saturday is the Sabbath and as a student of the bible, you should know that. The church has to worship on Saturday, which is the sabbath, or else they are breaking one of the 10 commandments. Are you teaching men to be Sabbath breakers? So while your eschatology is pretty good, your theology on the Sabbath is atrocious. The Lord rested on the seventh day, did he not? That means saturday if you can count. So don't teach false prophecy by telling people that Sunday is the Sabbath. My hope is that you will see the light and repent!
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Record: 202
Date: Thu Feb 2 14:24:09 2006
Subject: Fasting Article
Name: Bonnie Diehlmann
City: Suring, Wi, Usa
Thank you, Tony Warren for the article titled "What is the Real Significance of Fasting'. Everytime I read this article, Jesus is exalted. I participated in fasting because I was told this was something Christians do and they would quote: This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. As a result of your article, I have been educated and set free of this work of the flesh.How about an article about tithing? Bonnie Diehlmann
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Record: 201
Date: Fri Jan 27 10:44:50 2006
Subject: Divorce and Remarriage
Name: Richard Thomison
City: London, England
Dear Mountain Retreat, I so very agree with your conclusions concerning the wicked proliferation of remarriage and divorce, and was very excited to finally read something that comes very close to what I know the bible says. I'm sure you all know that most christians today are of the spineless variety or liberal and won't take the stand against divorce that you take here. God bless this website and the writers who aren't afraid to tell it just like it is. You may lose the chaff, but you sure will get the wheat's attention! Again, God bless you all. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Record: 200
Date: Sun Jan 1 09:40:23 2006
Subject: Diverse Denominations an Sects
Name: Rod Connor
City: New York
Greeting, I am writing to thank you all for the wonderful article on why there are different denominations. I loved the way it was written and explained just why Churches have so many different doctrines. The honesty truly blessed me, and I'm sure it has others as well. With so many false churches in the world today, it's great to hear strong preaching is alive and well and residing on this web site. God bless!Rod Connor Assistant Pastor Covenant Presbyterian Church
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Record: 199
Date: Tue Dec 13 07:09:32 2005
Subject: A Great Find
Name: John O Reilly
City: Indianapolis, Indiana
I just want to thank all of you for the articles on this site. I find them to be both of rare quality and refreshingly honest. You present the gospel without concessions and that is very hard to find these days. Kidly accept my appreciation for your efforts.Particularly your eschatology pages are just a horn of plenty, an eye opener how they explain things so succinctly that we should have known just by faithfully reading scripture. I don't know about others but somehow I just never really opened my mind to see it. Now I find the error of premillennialism, and particularly dispensationalism, to be a open cancer built upon the devious use of scripture. No matter how sincere, such action can never be of God. Anyway, thank you again for your site and please publish this letter. We need more sites like this one, but that has to start with more honest people who let the bible interpret itself. sincerely John
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