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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 134
Date: Fri Sep 17 14:35:16 2004
Subject: Dispensationalism
Name: Jesse Wilson
City: Alabama    

To whom it may concern,
My guess is that this feedback will never make it to post, but I would like to say a few things anyway. First, Dispensationalism is an accepted teaching of the church, and even those that don't hold to it accept it as a "legitimate" interpretation, which should not divide the church.

Second, "In essentials Unity, in non-essentials Liberty, in all things Charity." Eschatology is not an essential. Your condemnation of dispensationalism is uncharitable and shows a bias against Israel. Maybe even anti-semitic.

Last, but not least, the literal interpretation of scripture is the only correct interpretation. Reformed spiritualizing makes your reformed eschatology iligitimate, and thus a false interpretation. I ask your repentance and an end to denying the lawful dispensational view.

Pastor Jesse Wilson
Clemson Baptist Church

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Record: 133
Date: Fri Sep 10 22:21:48 2004
Subject: Binding of Satan
Name: Jean Pearse
City: New York    

    Dear Tony. I've been searching hard for the truth of the Scriptures and have just finished your sermon on Amillianism. I need furthur instruction on the binding of Satan. If he has been bound for all these years since Christ died , why does Scripture tell us to put on the whole armor of God,etc,etc.!st. Th.2:18 "but Satan hindered us".
2nd.Co2:11...."Saatan should get advantage of us"
1st.Co. 7:5 ...that Satan tempt you not for your ".....It seems these Scriptures tell us that Satan is not bound .Please help, as I'm honestly looking for the truth and also a church that teaches something other than dispensationalism. Thank you for your help.

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Record: 132
Date: Thu Sep 2 17:33:18 2004
Subject: Just saying Thanks
Name: Jeannette Webley
City: San Diego, Ca.    

    I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your site! I have been surfing the websites of reformed christians today and think yours stands out as the more people friendly, evangelical, and down to earth rather than up in the clouds version. Your eschatology section is the best on the web. This site is a real soul winning tool as well as a wonderful way to learn about doctrines which are difficult to sort out. So please accept my thanks.

Jeannette Webley

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Record: 130
Date: Sun Aug 1 11:48:48 2004
Subject: Tatoos, Nose and Lip Piercings
Name: Regina Thomas
City: Westchester, New York    

    Dear Mountain Retreat Staff:

I am a parent currently in a heated debate with my daughter over tattoos. I did a search on Google and came to your most welcomed article.

"Thank You" for being an oasis in the middle of a desert. Because everyone is telling me that there is nothing wrong with tattooing their bodies or piecing tongues and noses. Your article was so refreshing. I was especially joyed by your point on how we are to be different and set apart from the world. I have printed this article out to give to my daughter in hopes that she might be moved to see we are two different kingdoms. She says she is Christian so maybe God will work in her to show her the worldliness in this. I just don't understand christianity needing to identify with and follow fads. I'm just grateful for your encouraging words.

Please pray for her.

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Record: 129
Date: Thu Jul 29 12:16:05 2004
Subject: Dialogue and Eccumenism
Name: Joe Brown
City: Birmingham    

    I take issue with your statements that Roman Catholics, Mormons, Oneness Pentecostals, and Jehovah's Witnesses all hold to unbiblical doctrines outside of the Church. Where is the proof of this in scripture? Neither can it be proven from scripture that denial of the Trinity is a heresy. So though you say these things, you should be careful what you preach. Because it is not at all in line with a good christian love of all people, nor do these ideas foster good inter Church relations. We all have to make compromises so that we leave no one behind. Please think about this.

Elder Joe Brown
Birmingham, Alabama

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Record: 128
Date: Tue Jul 20 15:37:05 2004
Subject: Statement of Faith
Name: Jerry Voss
City: Fresno,ca    

    Dear Tony,
I write as a "one point Calvinist";
believing the other 'four points' are logical extensions of the first.
I heartily agree with your statement of faith. Yet, allow me to make this observation. The Church in general, and Reformed believers in particular need to become Trinitarian in practice.
We affirm, conceptually, and rightly so, the Trinity. However, in daily life the Third person of the Spirit is 'underdeveloped' in our relationship with Him.
I know nothing about you (forgive my ignorance).
I am grateful for what I believe will be a stimulating addition to my net resources.
Thank you,
Grace and peace
jerry j. voss
pastor Millbrook presbyterian church
fresno, CA

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Record: 126
Date: Mon May 3 22:38:10 2004
Subject: Wow
Name: Nicole Duncan
City: Knoxville, Tn    

    Thank You, Thank You !!!!
I have been looking for a few answers to some Catholic questions for my husband who was raised Catholic and is now considering joining a Baptist church with me - this site has given so much to me! I can not thank you enough! I also was able to learn some things that I have often wandered about! I can't wait to share your pages with my husband and my church family!

May God Bless You in all your needs

In Christ My Friend,

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Record: 124
Date: Sat May 1 06:49:41 2004
Subject: Exceptional Quality
Name: Pst. Edward Hill
City: Southern Africa    

    I was extatic to come across The Mountain Retreat! As a Pentecostal-Charismatic minister converted to the Reformed-Evangelical, I highly appreciate the information you made available to the general public.

And may God use this resource to enlighten my Pentecostal-Charismatic brethren as to the truth of Scripture.

Thanks and God bless!

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Record: 123
Date: Sat Apr 17 11:12:39 2004
Subject: Thanks
Name: Ken
City: Grass Valley, Ca    

    Great website. Thanks for holding tight the traditions of the Reforemed Church.

Your site is a breath of fresh, conservative air, in the midst of the liberal pollution that is so prevelent today.

As an accountant I especially enjoyed T. Warren's article: "The Numbers in Scriptures! (Do they carry any Spiritual Significance?). Great work. I have always believed that they (numbers) are significant. And I appreciated Tony's balnced, and sriptuarally-oriented approach.

God's richest blessings upon you and your ministry!


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Record: 122
Date: Sun Apr 11 16:05:40 2004
Subject: Mountain Retreat
Name: Sam Hahn
City: California    

    In these days of Enything Goes Post Modernism, I am so thankfull to be introduced to this website. It is truely the Pearl of the Field. As I read through articles presented in this site my eyes opened and see the truth with such a clarity. At the same time, I also realize the such a strong delusions all those churches of Positive Thinkings, Purpose Driven Lives, Accept the Christ, Today is the Day of Decision... are in. No wonder why Bible warns us false gospel so much in latter days. Oh, Mr. Warren, please keep doing whatever you have been doing in this website/forum especially in todays of Passion Success, Jesus Interview, and most of all world scale bankrupt Christianity. The Christianity has to be the reigion of the Bible. Sola Scriptura, no more no less. We are not going through strait gate and narrow road to hear manmade salvation. - observing the day of Risen Christ, Sam.

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