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Record: 3910
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 3:52 21 Sec. AM
Subject: The Reformed and Evangelism
Name: Otto Munsen
City: St. Petersburg     State: Florida
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Thank you all kindly for addressing the questions of Christians who are wrestling with issues related to Reformed theology and evangelism. I had been previously misinformed on this issue mainly because I was listening to others who oppose the doctrine of election to define this theology and not going to the source. God knows it's always better to hear the doctrines from those who hold it, not those who oppose it. God bless this site and I pray he continues to equip us all to be worthy ambassadors of his calling.

Otto Munsen
Grace Church

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Record: 3908
Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 10:08 59 Sec. PM
Subject: Divorce and remarriage
Name: Peter Miles
  Home Page
Country: Australia
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    Hello Tony,

Thanks for your article re divorce and remarriage. It is good that people like yourself are speaking out against the sin of divorce and remarriage. Sadly there seems to be a minority of voices with this view.

16 years ago my wife divorced me unexpectedly. I had previously come to a similar conclusion re what the scriptures taught about divorce and remarriage. So I found myself in the position of having to live what I believed. After some years I thought to put my experience and thoughts on a website (above) with the hope others might benefit and avoid the pitfalls of divorce. If you have opportunity I would welcome your comments too. In the intervening years my wife and I have rebuilt a close and enduring friendship. By the grace of God, had I believed I had the 'right' to remarry it would probably be a different story.


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Record: 3907
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 2:11 35 Sec. AM
Subject: Great Site
Name: Benjamin Cromar
City: Cardiff     Country: Great Britain
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    To whom it may concern,
I spend up to 20 hours a week on the internet and I must say that your site is one of the best that I have found in any country on the topic of biblical theology. A library like this is so needed where those who preach the uncompromised word of God can be read. What a blessing. It's like going to church without without leaving my living room. I've often heard Tony Warren decry modern theology and promote the need for faithful preachers who honour God by their uncompromising teachings, and I concur. Especially here in Great Britain. May the Lord continue to embrace this resource.


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Record: 3906
Date: Saturday, January 23, 2016, 12:49 36 Sec. PM
Subject: Free Agency
Name: Robert Pullman
City: Frankfort     State: Kentucky
Country: US
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    I like your website and old fashioned style, but I disagree with your premise about sovereignty which is against the human will. Free will is a basic human quality and there are few social or bible conditions which interfere with it. Conditions are a means of works, not grace. In the new testament, we are not under law or conditions, we are under grace. Grace means no conditions. Free will is part of the human nature which God has allowed us.
Thanks for listening to my feedback.

You say sovereignty is against human will and I agree! Which means that if we believe in a sovereign God, we cannot also believe in man's sovereign will, else God's will is not sovereign. God can't be supreme ruler and also be "subject" to man's own rule or will. It's a contradiction of terms. We cannot be born of God by our own free will, and also by any sovereign will of God. It's one or the other, even as God's word itself attests:

John 1:11-12
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God

Free will has "not" been a basic human quality since the fall, and the Christian doctrine is that humans are either in bondage to the spirit of evil (Hebrews 2:14-15) or are a bondservant [doulos] or slave to the Spirit of Christ (1 Corinthians 7:22; Ephesians 6:6). The doctrine of Christians being set free from bondage of sin by grace does not mean that they came to Christ by their own free will, but that the Lord by His sovereign will, came to them. It is indeed true that "we are not under law or conditions, we are under grace" in terms of our salvation, however there is no such law of "man's free will to come to Christ (John 6:44), there is but the God ordained privilege to ask. And when we ask in true and earnest desire, you can be sure that it is God who was drawing us to do so. God is not sitting in the heavens, wringing his hands, hoping that some might per chance come to Him. For He knows that none will (Romans 3:11-12), and so by His own arm, His own sovereign good will and pleasure, He chooses to draw some unto salvation. To be sure, Sovereignty of God [b]is[/b] against Free Will, because free will takes away God's sovereign choice and leaves it up to the will of man. This is a direct contradiction to John 1:11-12 which says salvation is decidedly "not" by the will of man, but God.

Tony Warren

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Record: 3905
Date: Friday, January 15, 2016, 4:58 AM
Subject: Baptism
Name: Brent Shpiriro
City: Portland     State: Ma
Country: United States
Found Site by: Other

    I enjoy this website tremendously, but I do have one thing that I do not agree with. In your statement of faith as well as your article entitled "what must I do to become saved," I have not found water baptism there as a requirement. The bible says that baptism is required and so I believe that should be included.

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Record: 3904
Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2015, 12:05 35 Sec. PM
Name: Kathy Lynn
Country: Usa
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    Same sex marriage is clearly found to be a sin in the Bible. Does God tell us to change with the times - or stay steadfast? Many sins - for example - sins of the mind - do not 'hurt' another, but that does not mean that they are not sins. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God - but when we try to logically explain our sin - we are only fooling ourself - and that is not of God.

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Record: 3903
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015, 5:23 20 Sec. AM
Subject: Banner of Truth
Name: Mary Harrison
City: Providence     State: Rhode Island
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

What did Christ say about the end times and the signs of his coming? Jesus asked, "when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8." These are very troubling times. It's good to know that there are still a few beacons of light among the forces of degeneration. We live in very difficult times, God bless those who hold up the banner of truth.

Thanks Soooooo much

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Record: 3902
Date: Monday, August 17, 2015, 12:39 23 Sec. PM
Name: Mary Givens
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    The articles here are outstanding. Homosexuality, free will, roman catholicism, abortion and divorce are not non-essential issues. I don't know what some people call non essential, but our definitions are obviously different. I am glad that there are "a few" that take the narrow road and stay away from the much traveled wide road. It's not divisive because you cannot divide what has never been joined.

Matthew 7:21 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

We can't condone homosexuality and call ourselves Christian. I don't care what anyone says.

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Record: 3901
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2015, 6:06 AM
Subject: Unity
Name: Todd Ponczoch
State: Massachusetts
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I am saddened by your conservative positions. Our Church was founded by believers who sought to make the world a better place, and we have to deal with fundamentalists like yourself who want to drag it back to the middle ages. There is to much division within the church and Christianity as a whole over non-essential issues. When we turn on ourselves over things like free will and divorce, a lost world drifts further from our influence and the enemy rejoices. I pray we may put aside our differences and work together to bring the GOOD News to a dying world.

    We have differing opinions of exactly what is non-essential. Actually, the enemy rejoices when we turn on ourselves in capitulation and compromise of things like orthodoxy, homosexuality, divorce, immorality and free will. Indeed it is the church itself that drifts further from the influence of Christ, not a lost world. Compromise is the adversary, not orthodoxy and faithfulness to scripture.

Tony Warren

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Record: 3900
Date: Monday, August 3, 2015, 12:41 AM
Subject: The Bible
Name: Eugene
City: Nashville     State: Tennessee
Country: Usa
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    Listen guys, here's my feedback. The doctrines you teach, like the Trinity, Predestination and Once saved always saved, is not in the Bible. Yes, it is in your Westminister Confession but that is not the Bible and carries no divine weight. And if these doctrines were true, then why are they not explicitly stated in the Bible? The Westminister Confession is merely a document that reformed Christians choose to embrace, but other parts of "Christianity" surely reject. If any of those doctrines you preach were explicitly stated in the Bible, they'd be canon. Perhaps that's why they're not in the Bible.

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