Letters on the Mountain!
Record: 345
Date: Tue Jul 27 09:47:10 2010
Subject: Signs of Mark Chapter 16
Name: Theo Lawrence
City: Barbados W.i.
Dear Tony Warren, Grace and peace be your potion always. I write to thank you for your very informative exposition on Mark 16:15-18 I have been presenting those same views to a group here in Barbados but found that I was alone in this until I came across your work which is excellent. I just wanted to say thank you and may the good Lord help you to continue the good work for Him. God bless Theo Lawrence (Pastor) Ebenezer Gospel Tabernacle Barbados W.I.
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Record: 344
Date: Thu Jul 22 14:39:12 2010
Subject: Cremation
Name: Kevin And Michelle Reynolds
City: Usa
Hello Tony,My husband and I would like to thank you for for writing your article regarding cremation. My husband, a Christian of 16 years, thought the cremation was ok. I, a Christian all my life, recalled learning as a young girl in church that cremation was wrong. We wanted to get clarification and found it through your article and scripture. We want to thank you for writing it and showing us through God's word that burial is the Christian way to handle our bodies after death. God Bless, Kevin and Michelle Reynolds
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Record: 343
Date: Wed Jul 7 18:57:12 2010
Subject: The Mark of the Beast
Name: Travis Campbell
City: Kansas City
What a Joy!!! First of all, let me say that it is so rare to find an old fashioned and biblical website anymore, that I was blessed to come across the Mountain Retreat. I found you by searching "the mark of the Beast" and have been reading articles ever since. this is the only end times prophesy that makes any sense to me, so may God bless your ministry.
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Record: 342
Date: Wed May 26 09:09:24 2010
Subject: Tattoos and Body Piercing
Name: Jane
City: N/a
Dear friend, I read your article and it is the fullest and best information concerning the heart of God and us as his children.. I have a granddaughter, raised in church, fell into the world, now back in church and following christ.. She has one area where she cannot see clearly..she is young 26 years old, but, she loves tattoos and has a large ugly one on her ankle..she wants another..I tried to discourage her..but, she needs to shake off the grave clothes of the world and put on the garments of christ.. As you said..when the parable about the marriage supper came and one man was found without his wedding garments on.. The Lord did not pat him on the shoulder and say..come in brother.. He said cast him out into outer darkness..I see the church defiling herself in the bed of the world.. It is sickening to me.. Thank you for your article, I shall give it to her and hope for the best.. jane
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Record: 341
Date: Fri May 21 08:13:17 2010
Subject: Praise The Lord
Name: Rev. Mensah
City: Shalom Missions
Praise the Lord. God bless you all for the good works. I want to know which Bible training college you were trained. You seem to have some wonderful interpretation and revelations into the word of God. Please so I may recommend it to my Church members. Hope to hear from you soon. May I ask if you are a speaker so we may invite you some time soon during one of our programmes. Keep up Sir Shalom and God bless you. Rev. Mensah from Shalom Missions
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Record: 337
Date: Sun Apr 25 08:19:45 2010
Subject: This Web Site
Name: Diana Kukk
City: Virginia
Dear Tony, Thank you so much for this web site! I am learning so much by reading these wonderful teachings. Having come out of Dispensationalism and Post, Pre, Mid-Trib doctrines I had to get rid of a lot of false teachings. I just finished your teaching on Rev. 20 and I feel like this big question mark has disappeared from my soul. Everything I have learned in the past made no sense. I will tell you that when I started reading I had a hard time understanding the 1st and 2nd Resurrections. But, praise God, He opened my understanding and now I finally get it!! I am shedding tears of joy!! Thank you again. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. In Christ, Diana Kukk Onancock, Virginia
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Record: 335
Date: Wed Feb 3 14:14:52 2010
Subject: Perpetual Virginity of Mary
Name: Rosalee
City: N/a
Dear Tony, I am a Roman Catholic, but I have forever been in belief that while Mary was indeed a virgin when she had Christ, she was not after wards as scripture (Matthew) points out that Joseph did not know her until she brought forth her firstborn son and later in Mark it names his brothers but not sisters. I haven't a clue why so many Catholics buy into the premise that Mary was forever virgin. I can see why they would honor her virginity initially but............I particularly loved the logic in your presentation that why call Christ her first born if she had no other children???? Thank you for such an excellent validation of what I have long held. Very well stated. Kindest regards, Rosalee PS: Roman Catholicism is bathed in tradition, much that I reject, but there are other parts of it that in a long search I could not find in other denominations.
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Record: 330
Date: Sun Jan 3 08:03:47 2010
Subject: New Covenant Vs Covenant
Name: John Styles
City: Delaware
I found your discussion on Covenant versus the New Covenant Theology doctrines very enlightening and well put together. I would like to pass this paper on to my congregation, if you don't mind. Please advise!Pastor John Styles Reformed Presbyterian Church
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Record: 328
Date: Fri Nov 27 06:16:30 2009
Subject: Thanks
Name: John Akinnagbe
City: Rockville, Md.
Dear Tony, Thank you so much for this article explaining into details why God judged Istrael for David's sin of counting his army. I never understand Davids action until now. May the Lord help me to apply what I learned here daily and may you be strenthened in the wisdom and understanding of the word of God. Again, thank you so much. John Akinnagbe Enterprise IT BAE Systems Rockville MD
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Record: 325
Date: Mon Nov 16 13:40:55 2009
Subject: Website
Name: Stanley Dalizu
City: N/a
Hi Tony! Thanks for your excellent explanation of The Apostle's Creed. Great website.-- In Christ, Stanley Dalizu
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