Letters on the Mountain!
Record: 305
Date: Fri Feb 27 00:14:07 2009
Subject: Revision
Name: Christian Briggs
City: Chicago
i made a mistake when i mentioned PREDESTINATION instead of PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS< although the two are related. my apologies... Tony, do you have any suggestions about healthy churches here in Chicago - i am being called out of my own. let me know if you can , please know as well that i wrote you a heart felt e-mail on my present lack of reformed true fellowship and teaching. i do understand that i am using a free e-mail account. my e-mail was not of risk, but i am guessing you do not open these types. this is my second attempt at appeal. alone with clasped hands, christian briggs
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Record: 303
Date: Sun Feb 8 19:49:07 2009
Subject: Eunuchs
Name: Kirby
City: Kansas
I was very saddened to read your article on eunuchs. How can you think yourself an author and not understand that eunuchs are gay individuals? I would suggest that you educate yourself before preaching such nonsense. Eunuchs are still being drawn to Christianity, and I am so glad that they are despite sites like yours that posts inaccurate information.
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Record: 301
Date: Thu Jan 29 02:24:09 2009
Subject: Thank you
Name: C. Briggs
City: Chicago, Illinois
I came to Christ ironically through who I believe now to be a false teacher. I was wrapped up in ultra-dispensationalism, the end of the world, the pre-trib rapture.... you name it. After some crucial sanctifying works of God, I came to study the Reformation, by which many truths came to light for me. I have had some very good times with God and some very bad times as well, by this I mean loss of faith or simply sin. He has never let me go however. The TULIP theory of reformed theology rang true for me and my understanding of God's truth. I am one person though that believes strongly in the "P" standing for PRESERVATION not PREDESTINATION. I am living proof of this doctrine. The 2 words can actually co-exist in their intent, as I know under the mystery of God that somehow we ARE predestined, but are also sustained. In short, God has used your website to bring me back to Him. He has preserved me through your obedience to the One who TRULY was obedient. God's grace
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Record: 298
Date: Wed Dec 31 13:18:51 2008
Subject: The Church
Name: Tracey Ivy
City: Oklahoma
I was on the internet looking for a biblical definition of Covenant, I stumble upon your website, so it would seem. Your definition was scriptual,and very understandable. I continued to view your website and became intrigued with your adherence and revelation of God's word. I read your statement of faith and had a question about The Church, "We believe in the external, corporate or local Church, wherein the elect may be found among those who may profess Christ, but may not truly be elect. God only knows. It is this external, local or corporate body that Christ warned of the consequences of unfaithfulness and apostasy (Revelations chapters 2-3). Christ has given spiritual gifts to those in the local Churches, some blessed to be prophets, some evangelists, some teachers, and some deacons and ministers. Each in his own right is equipped of God to edify the Church that it might grow in grace". Does this mean you believe Eph. 4:11-16 as listed? i.e apostles and pastors.
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Record: 295
Date: Thu Oct 16 19:42:34 2008
Subject: Eunuchs
Name: Penny
City: Usa
I learned a lot from the points you made, but it was very hard to get through such an acrid, abrasive introductory paragraph. Maybe a study on "pharasee-ism" next?
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Record: 285
Date: Sat Aug 30 15:35:06 2008
Subject: Eunuchs
Name: Peter Lagettie
City: Nsw Australia
G'day Tony,Just a thank you for the article on eunuchs. Our house church is currently studying Matthew and it seems that every commentary I have found jumps over the eunuch statement straight to let the kids come unto me. I was greatly relieved to read your article and have printed it off for anyone else who would like to read it. I don't know if you are aware of the split that happened in the Uniting church in Australia four years ago, (and still going now), but there are a few wounded Christians in our church who love Jesus and found themselves at odds with modern sloppy theology and greasy grace. Your input will help their Christian walk. I have bookmarked your homepage for I am sure to be back. God bless you for your service to us all... Pete.
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Record: 284
Date: Mon Aug 25 14:17:12 2008
Subject: Thorn in the Flesh
Name: Reggie Fulenwider
City: Santa Maria, Ca.
Tony Warren, I just wanted you to know I was greatly edified by your article concerning Paul's thorn in the flesh. I shared the information with my church. I don't know how many in my congregation agree with your article.
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Record: 283
Date: Sun Aug 17 17:47:41 2008
Subject: Carnal Christians
Name: Micheal Lawrence
City: Australia
I do agree with your assessment of the carnal Christian. Form what I have experienced, Christians are Christians, born of the spirit, dead to the world and alive to God in Christ, at the same time I see 1. the world. 2 the called, the fruit of the vine not yet grafted into the true vine, raised up to testify of the risen Christ and 3. the elect, Christians, harvested out of the vine, which is humanity, and grafted into the living vine, the Kingdom of Heaven,Jesus Christ, by the will and grace of God alone. would appreciate your feedback if possible Blessings M
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Record: 272
Date: Thu Apr 10 16:10:19 2008
Subject: Free will
Name: J. Shramek
City: Wyoming
Do humans have any free will? Does a parent punish a child when the child does what you tell them to? Only a sick, deranged parent. If God "makes" someone unrepentant, He cannot hold the person accountable for the decision He made for them. Our God is a just God and he cannot step outside of who He is. I do believe in God's sovereignty. The Bible is clear that God sees all things at once and He knows how each person is going to respond to his calls. (Thing Pharaoh) He will therefore use their life accordingly. But punishing us for what we have no control over is ridiculous.
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Record: 270
Date: Tue Feb 26 05:15:06 2008
Subject: Free Will
Name: Wayne
City: Virginia
To understand "free will" you have to define it with the Word of God. The scriptures are profitable for correction and instruction in righteousness and truth. Scriptures say that man was born in iniquity, that his heart is continually evil and that he is in bondage and a slave to sin. To understand these scriptures and their discriptive totality of mans spiritual and physical state in the world, then you can define "free will" Men have anything but a free will, because scriptures speak of a will tainted by one's own heart, by one's blindness and servitude to sin and the flesh. How can we attribute free will to men when his every thought is tainted by his evil condition. Man is better understood to have a "Slave will". May the Lord give his saints understanding
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