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Record: 107
Date: Fri Jan 9 17:06:04 2004
Subject: Eschatology
Name: Ben Morgan
City: California, Usa    

    Hello Tony,

For the last few days I have been reading through the eschatology section of your website and I am simply astounded at the clarity with which you expound on the book of Revelation. I've always been confused by the symbolism of this book, and the many different interpretations I have read only served to confuse me more by their inconsistency, but your papers have brought it all home to me. So just wanted to offer my feedback and say thanks. Your articles have helped me tremendously, and I can't wait to read your other studies. Very enlightening. God bless you.

Ben Morgan
California, USA

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Record: 106
Date: Thu Jan 8 14:40:43 2004
Subject: Mariology
Name: Bob Hraba
City: Greenest State In The Land Of    

Agreed, Marian Doctrines are a stumbling block to most Protestants. After years of reading I noted that most denominations were unified on one point, ie:Catholicism is Error Incarnate.
However, as to the basic doctrines, a website called, which has a handy sidebar with each topic covered shows that the doctrines which Protestants most revile(including the mother of all bugaboos) ie:the equality of Scripture and Tradition, versus Sola Scriptura I found tobe acceptable if for no other reason than this: It shows these doctrines were written way back in Apostolic times by credentialed Fathers of the Church which, right OR wrong, DOES accurately reflect what the Church at Rome believed back when there were still Apostles and their immediate disciples around to refute them.

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Record: 105
Date: Thu Dec 25 19:41:39 2003
Subject: Dispensationalism
Name: Robby
City: Texas    

    I mean no disrespect, as this is a wonderful site. But I thought this was a good conservative site until I came across your stance against Dispensationalism. I don't know why you are against this teaching, but you really need to look into it further before saying that it is unbiblical and based on supposition. That's a serious charge. I would recommend reading some of the literature written by Dr. John F. Walvoord. You will find that this is a solid theology.

Robbie Henson
Dallas, Texas

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Record: 104
Date: Fri Nov 28 15:28:11 2003
Subject: Biblical Theology and Eschatol
Name: Candice
City: Oregon    

    When I first came to this site I was anti-Covenant theology, but after reading all these great articles and considering the scripture references they provide, I have come to not only see the truth of it, but to embrace it as my own. Thanks for a great teaching platform.

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Record: 102
Date: Tue Oct 28 10:43:17 2003
Subject: Eschatology
Name: Rick Leclaire
City: Colorado    

    I have enjoyed reading some of your articles at the Reformed Christian Bible Studies web page. Could you please answer a few questions for me. Would you recommend any books which clearly present every aspect of the amillennial viewpoint from Scripture in the way that you are doing it in your articles. I ask because your articles have been the most in-depth and easiest to follow out of all the books and other articles I have read in the past on this subject.

Thanks for your help. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Record: 98
Date: Sun Sep 14 16:33:12 2003
Subject: Biblical Timeline
Name: David Pinkston
City: Arizona    

    To whom it may concern,
I am a student and was doing a search on Google for a Biblical time line for a study of the chronology of the earth that I am doing. Your Paper entitled "The Biblical Time line of Creation" came up first, and I must say that I was very excited with what I read. It's a very well done paper, and opened my eyes about many things which I had misunderstood about biblical history.

I just wanted to thank you for this fine work, recommend it to everyone, and encourage you to keep up the good work. You opened up new avenues of thought for me and shed light on how we are to understand genesis.

Thank You,


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Record: 96
Date: Thu Aug 28 15:07:17 2003
Subject: Calvinists Not Evangelical
Name: Drew
City: Alabama    

    Very extensive and interesting website. What I find really interesting in some of your articles is that you seem to be evangelical, while most calvinists shun evangelism. Your site is not typically stauggy calvinist, and that's a good thing.

Do you really think that predestination means God predetermined all things beforehand? How do you deal with the passages which show we must be obedient, and that whosoever will?


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Record: 95
Date: Fri Aug 22 23:12:14 2003
Subject: Hell?
Name: Yiannis
City: Detroit, Michigan    

    First I would like to tell you that you have a great web site. You have lots of helpful information. Recently I was looking for sites that held the historicist interpretation of prophecy. I came to a site called harvest herald. When I explored the site and read what they had to say they totally screwed up what I beleive. The one view I find myself unable to defend to them is that hell is eternal and people who are cast into the lake of fire will never rest. I find myself starting to also beleive in annihilation of the wicked since I can't really find any description of hell that fit my view besides the parable of the Rich man and Lazurus. Can you help clear this matter up for me. It's really effecting the way I read the bible and interpret it and now it's not making as much sense. Thanks and God bless.

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Record: 94
Date: Wed Aug 20 16:22:45 2003
Subject: Todays prophets
Name: Michele
City: N.C.    

    I'm disappointed to read your writing on todays prophets. from your writing you do not believe that God still speaks to his children, that we do not hear him speaking to us, leading us, calling us to ministry.
God still speaks to his believers, not the unbelievers. there are prophets today speaking Gods word, not what they've memorised from the Holy Bible, but speaking the words God has given them

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Record: 93
Date: Mon Aug 18 19:10:23 2003
Name: Mona
City: N/A    

    Some of your Feast of Tabernacles article was convincing but when you get to the Last Great Day being the 8th day, in my opinion, you are totally off base. The day Christ was talking about was the 7th day of the FOT. The eighth day is a totally different feast. I can only assume you get the Last Great Day from the WCG but it was never called that in the bible. It is Shimini Atzeret.

Also, I can find no basis for Sunday being the new Sabbath. The Sabbath has been the 7th day of the week since the beginning.

Some friends and I have bible studies on the true Sabbath and I will offer your article as a study this week. Should make for interesting conversation. I find some things thought provoking and plan to thoroughly check into the complete article.

Thank you for taking the time to post your opinion.

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