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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 191
Date: Tue Oct 25 18:53:04 2005
Subject: Holy Spirit
Name: Leah Leonetti
City: Pheonix, Az    

    you are in danger of speaking against the Holy Ghost and the gifts are for today, including speaking in tongues.
If you look at verse 6 and 8 in the Book of Acts chapter 2. The miracle took place in the hearing.
They were speaking an unknown language, or tongues of angels, but each man HEARD in his own language the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:11).

And the word Anti (against) Christ ( the annointed one or the annointing of the Holy Ghost). Anyone who is against this annointing is against Christ.

Praying in the Spirit
Tongues of angels
Are they not all ministering spirits,
sent forth to minister for them
who shall be heirs of salvation?
Jesus Christ baptizes us with the Holy Ghost,
and with fire.
Go over the river Jordan.
That the blessing of Abraham might come on
the Gentiles through Jesus Christ;
that we might receive the promise of the Spirit
through faith.

Is Jesus Christ come in the flesh?????

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Record: 189
Date: Thu Oct 13 06:35:08 2005
Subject: Eschatology
Name: James Andrews
City: Hobart, Tas, Australia    

    Mountain Retreat,
Thankyou so much for your good eschatology articles. You inspire me!

Yes, we are God's temple! Today Satan is restrained as God's kingdom advances. We are building His temple - each other, stone by stone in faith, love, truth and obedience.

God protects us. He will help us to remain faithful when challenged by deceptions, lies and the great tribulation that is coming, and is already here - but restrained.

The Abomination that causes desolation, eventual release of Satan, powerful lies and deception is the climax of evil. But the faithful will understand -through the prophets, (Daniel). Already we know that judgment begins with the people of God. Thanks be to Jesus who raises the dead! We need not fear.

As long as it is day, lets work and build! For the time is short. Giving ourselves as spiritual sacrifices until we have finished our testimony. If we take up our cross and follow him - Yes, even die with him, we know we will live with him for ever.

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Record: 188
Date: Sat Oct 8 20:03:08 2005
Subject: Abortion
Name: Jacob
City: Sc    

    I just cannot believe that a "so-called Christian" ""concerned methodist" put education above life with the comment below.

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Record: 185
Date: Fri Aug 26 03:55:08 2005
Subject: Abortion
Name: Fred
City: California    

    Thank you for posting the truth about Biblical opposition to scripture. No matter how much so-called "Christians" on the left of politics (a position in opposition to God himself) try to pervert the Word to support their murderous agenda, and to deny the facts, the incorruptable, unerring Word of the Lord will be a shining beacon of truth from which the Pro-Choice community cannot hide.
May God bless you and your online ministry.

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Record: 183
Date: Wed Jul 20 12:11:00 2005
Subject: Abortion
Name: Caroline
City: San Francisco, Ca.    

    Mountain Retreat,
I wish to enter feedback on your tirade against abortion. You all seem so sanctimoneoius in your condemnation of a woman's right to have an abortion. The fact is, it's not for you to make judgments against abortion, it's for God. Women who have too many children and cannot cope, or a 15 year old school girl, or a rape victim, should not be forced to have children just because of your personal interpretation of the bible. What about her education? There are sound social reasons why some girls should have abortions besides health, and your article is only concerned with the law. What about grace and compassion. I would rather allow a teen to have an abortion than force her to care for a child when she is just a child herself. Show some compassion.

Concerned Methodist

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Record: 181
Date: Sat Jun 25 03:45:08 2005
Subject: Frequently Asked Questions
Name: Tamara Rivas
City: Guadalupe, Spain    

    Mr. Warren,

I ask that God bless you and your family. I so appreciate you sharing the truth of the scriptures with us who are on the internet. You have many wonderful articles here on theology and eschatolgy, by my favorites are on the frequently asked questions page. It's been so informative to me. In particular, your answer to "Legalism, or Exhortation to Obedience," was just what I needed. The world so lacks strong preaching today. Thank you for your service.

Tamara Rivas
Guadalupe, Spain

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Record: 177
Date: Mon May 30 01:23:16 2005
Subject: Thanks
Name: Lindsay Abrams
City: Chapel Hill, Nc    

    Dear Tony,

I am a undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, studying for a Bachelor of Science in Biology. I was required to write a research paper and my topic was proving that the Adam and Eve story was a myth. Upon searching for Adam and Eve I came across your website and I have become hooked on the excellent articles I find here. There are so much great reading and information on your website that it has completely gotten me off the topic of my paper. I may fail because of it.

So just wanted to say thanks for so much well thought out reading material, and to ask what denomination your ministry is. You have helped me understand eschatology in a way I never have before, and I can't thank you enough.

Lindsay Abrams

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Record: 176
Date: Thu May 26 11:01:53 2005
Subject: An invite
Name: Daniel Allen
City: Us, Il, Chicago    

    Just wanted to drop a line and invite you and your readers to . Reading your articles reveals that you have a love for Spurgeon and I'm sure you'd enjoy this new Spurgeon resource. We have the largest quote archive ever assembled by the Prince of Preachers. Take a look and maybe even add us to your resources if you find the info helpful? Thanks and God bless!

Daniel Allen

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Record: 173
Date: Thu May 12 16:49:18 2005
Subject: Tottoos and Body Piecings
Name: Terresa Bosley
City: New York, Ny    

    I want to thank you for the article on the unchristian pagan nature of Tattoos and the latests fads in gross body piercings. I particularly appreciate that you didn't just hang everything on the passage in Leviticus as so many others do, but you illustrated with scripture how we are to be a set apart people, not like the world. That we are to glorify God in our body as well as our life sealed it for me. Here's one that is under peer pressure but who will not be getting any tattoos. God bless the faithfulness of the mountain retreat.

Terresa Bosley
New York, New York

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Record: 168
Date: Sat Apr 2 13:03:59 2005
Subject: Sabbath day
Name: Patty
City: Fredericksburg, Va    

    (KJV)Gen.2:2)And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3)And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. ..It doesn't say "on 'a' 7th day" (pick your 7th day); clearly "the" 7th day.(Christ rested the 7th day after He had finished all his work and was crucified) Thoughts for "christians": 1)The Hebrews are God's chosen people; 2)Christ's resurrection didn't change the Sabbath day; 3)Bible doesn't say 1st day of week was blessed and santified. God doesn't play "try to guess what I mean" with His Word. Either you do, eventually will, or never will. Last thought on Saturday being the Sabbath day. Man puts their thoughts & desires on what man wants, be very careful that you believe in God's Word & not man's word.

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