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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 49
Date: 10/2/01 7:52:32 PM
Subject: Bible Studies
Name: Steven
City: N/A    

    Grace and peace!

I am a Roman Catholic who happened upon your site. I was looking for a good bible study, and must say, I have thoroughly enjoyed the studies you present. I am in a time of searching and questioning. I have taken a step back to look at both sides (Catholicism and Reformed Christianity) with an open mind. I have attended a Reformed church the past couple Sundays and have enjoyed my experience there as well.

However, I need to offer just a bit of constructive criticism. Although, as I have said, I am enjoying and learning from your studies, I believe the way you present them could be modified for the better. I find you use the (!) ALOT. I know that you probably use it to drive home a point, but it can also be a turnoff to the reader. A calm, reasoned approach to instuction, I believe, would help make your points better then an overuse of the (!).

Thats all. God bless and keep up the good work.

In Christ,

Steven Barron

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Record: 48
Date: 9/27/01 11:00:34 AM
Subject: Mountain Retreat
Name: Arrie
City: N/A    

    Dear brother Warren,

      I truly appreciate your site. I am a Reformed believer. I agree with so many of your pages. And I am thankful for your the availability of all of the publications on your web site. I appreciate believers who take a firm stand and who explain their biblical views with prooftext and clarity.

In Christ's love,

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Record: 47
Date: 9/2/01 6:07:36 PM
Subject: Response to your site
Name: Randy
City: N/A    

    To whom it may concern,
    I have just recently discovered your site and appreciate it very much.
    I have been a believer for alittle over 4 years now and live in a relatively small community in North Carolina. I started going to a Methodist church because at the time I didn't know one church from another. I also began immediately to study the Bible as well as commentary and exposition by others. It did not take long to see the error in Methodist teaching. I have also been studying with a small group of men for about the same length of time. Until 6 or 8 months ago I did not know that anything was taught other than a pre-trib rapture, a literal millenial reign, a perpetual seperation between Isreal and the churh, etc. Then I believe that the Holy Spirit awakened questions in me that no one else I knew was asking. Anyway I began an in depth study of dispensationalism,historic premillenialism, postmillenialism, and amillenialism and have concluded that amillenialism is the view taught in scripture.
    The problem now is convincing my brothers in Christ who are so caught up in the dispensational teachings so prevelant today that dispensationalism is not only in error but dangerous. I believe they are saved but misled. Thanks again for a great ministry.

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Record: 46
Date: 8/29/01 5:49:57 PM
Subject: Amils
Name: Joe Meiring
City: Cape Town, South Africa    

    Good grief!

I thought I was the only one who believed in the Reformed Amill position! What a blessing to get onto your site. I was thrilled into my spiritual socks. Here in Cape Town, South Africa, we reformed Amills are looked upon with GREAT suspicion.

Keep up the GREAT work. God bless you guys richly


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Record: 45
Date: 8/23/01 5:58:43 PM
Subject: Glad I Found You
Name: Wylie
City: N/A    

    Glad I discovered your website today. Will spend much time here, and possibly get involved in some of the discussions. Thankful for your clear (it seems to me) defense of the amil. position and strong stand for Reformed truth!

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Record: 44
Date: 8/5/01 6:32:13 PM
Subject: Age of Accountability
Name: Gabe Rembold
City: N/A    

    My name is Gabriel Rembold. I am 15 years old and I love JESUS with all my heart! I read your 11 page document on why age of accountability is not BIBLICAL. My friend and I have been discussing this for a good while now and your page helped a lot. I still haven't convinced him though but I think that I am on the right track. I like the point about once saved always saved. If a child can be saved when he is young then why does he lose it when he gets older. I like that point! If you have any other information would you please send it to me. I would appreciate it very much.

Thank you and yours in CHRIST,

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Record: 43
Date: 7/7/01 3:28:52 PM
Subject: King James Version
Name: RJS
City: N/A    

    Thank you for allowing me to view your most excellent biblical exegisis sight! I am truely blessed and thankful. However, I get most annoyed at your using what I and most readers of Holy Scripture, consider a poor translation, namely the King James Version. It truely is antiquated language, and certainly contains flaws that do not reflect well on modern usage. Even your own excellent studies correct some of the problematic words. I love the new RSV and I wonder why you don't use this, or some other excellent translations.
                  God Bless, and again, thank you for your excellent teachings.

Peace always!

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Record: 42
Date: 6/14/01 9:48:35 PM
Subject: Great Article
Name: Dave
City: N/A    

I just read your article, Only One Saviour. Powerful and right on the money!! I was blown away by it. Great job, looking forward to reading more of your stuff!! I'm not one to write to someone I don't know but after reading your article I know I can call you Brother!! May God continue to bless you as you bring forth the truth!!


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Record: 41
Date: 4/20/01 8:08:31 PM
Subject: Faith in Him
Name: Steve C. Greene
City: N/A    

    I discovered you site by performing a search for "The Bible and Suicide". I have a distraught employee who if suffering through a divorce after thirty years of marriage. He has approached me in the past expressing to me that death would be an improvement over his current state. He mentioned this to me again today and I attempted to explain to him the possibility of his eternal fate. I found your article on the subject and printed it to give to him. It contains excellent information on Biblical scriptures and reasons not to commit suicide. I am thankful God led me to your site.

I began reading your feedback and am amazed at how people manage to find fault with different interpretations of scripture. If it doesn't "all" agree with the way they were taught, it is "all" wrong. There is one Ms. Philip that is so convinced the Catholic church is the only religion it is ridiculous. God determines who is a Christian, not a church, a pastor, or the Pope. I may not be a Bible scholar and I don't know the Bible verse by verse, but I am a Christian. I know of no verse in the Bible where a denominational requirement to enter Heaven is mentioned. I do know that arrogance is a sin.
God Bless You,
Steve Greene

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Record: 40
Date: 4/2/01 3:49:15 AM
Subject: Question
Name: Ron N.
City: N/A    

    I only recently found your Mountain Retreat web site. I was doing some research on Amillennialism and found you. I have read three of your writings; Amillennialism, 70 Weeks of Daniel, and Revelation 20. I have been quite blessed by your writings Mr. Warren.

However, I generally do not read much from those I do not know. I was wondering if you would be willing to share something of your resume with me. I realize that I am just one of your readers, but am quite interested in who you are. I, as I said, was quite blessed by your work but have always had a need to know who I was reading.

Have you published any books. I went into Amazon and did a search on your name and found nothing, but they do not always have everything published...especially in Christianity.

Again, thank you for publishing your work...I have appreciated it very much.


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