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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 3918
Date: Sunday, March 5, 2017, 6:28 30 Sec. AM
Subject: Feedback
Name: Emil Johnson
City: Columbus     State: Ohio
Country: Usa
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    Hello Pastor Warren, Thank you for your precious Bible study ministry. I would love to keep studying your teaching on Revelation and to apply it to my own Bible study group. You have enlightened my understanding of his subject greatly. I believe your studies will give me a correct Christian foundation, and guide me to a better understanding. I'm now on your 2nd Thessalonians study.
Praise God for Jesus and the hope of salvation,

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Record: 3917
Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017, 8:33 16 Sec. PM
Subject: Appreciation
Name: Pete Holifield
City: Pleasant Prairie     State: Wi
Country: Usa
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    Gracious Brother,
I have been reading your articles with much interest and truly appreciate what you have written, but even more what you have thoroughly supported with Scripture. You have opened up a new way of Bible study for me. Sola Scriptura! Thanks so much.

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Record: 3916
Date: Monday, January 9, 2017, 7:08 52 Sec. PM
Subject: Just Surfed in
Name: Hellen G.
City: London     Country: England
Found Site by: Search Engine

    What an education in what is true Christianity. May you and everyone who comes to you be blessed with Gods love.

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Record: 3915
Date: Monday, November 14, 2016, 4:56 15 Sec. AM
Subject: Reformed in Mississippi
Name: Gary Baxter
City: Waterford     State: Mississippi
Country: United States of America
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I am an Independent Baptist in the southern part of country. This is one of the few remaining fascinating resources, and I do hope it doesn't get lost in all the irrelevant and man pleasing sites on the web. I just want to let you all know that I loved the article on the changing perspectives on homosexuality in the church. I also appreciate your stand against the errors of modernism, vain sentimentality and the abandonment of Godly morality. Your web site is very informative and I know your hard work and dedication to it will eventually pay off. God's Blessings.

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Record: 3914
Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 9:48 AM
Subject: Classic Teachings
Name: Mark Campbell
City: Marion     State: Ar
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Word of Mouth

    Great site dear soldiers. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds II John10:4). We are certainly in a great battle to save the Holy Bible from modern corruption, and the believing world from judgment. I've often heard the great Dr. Alan Redpath teach on the need for sound preachers who honor and expound the word of God. I consider you guys as chief leaders in that regard, and look forward to more of same from the Mountain Retreat.

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Record: 3913
Date: Sunday, August 21, 2016, 6:22 53 Sec. PM
Subject: Article Six Waterpots of Stone
Name: Charles Boswell
Homepage: Tragiccom Studios
  Home Page
Country: Usa
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    Hello Mr. Warren,

Writing to tell you how much I liked your article here.

I came upon this article by searching “Jesus First Miracle”. I was searching because somehow it was pointed to me recently the significance of the Jewish ceremonial pots identified in The Gospel of John documenting Jesus first miracle. It’s clear to me that all world religions even Jewish tradition of cleansing is bankrupt and how marvelous the Wisdom of God was to use those ceremonial cleansing pots by filling them with the emblem of the Blood of Christ as the ONLY way to be clean before God. You put it much better in your article. I have read about that miracle for years and missed the significance and depth of Jesus at the wedding. Thank you very much for writing your wonderful article. I have sent it along to some missionary friends.


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Record: 3912
Date: Monday, August 1, 2016, 11:28 25 Sec. AM
Subject: Blessings
Name: Boon Leong
Homepage: Bishan Presbyterian Church
  Home Page
City: Bishan     Country: Singapore
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Thank you Tony and and all who work so hard to make these articles and resources available. Your expository teaching of the Bible has been such a tremendous blessing to me and I'm sure many others as well.

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Record: 3911
Date: Sunday, June 12, 2016, 6:28 37 Sec. AM
Subject: Great Resource
Name: Michael Berry
City: Austin     State: Texas
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Friend

    Special greetings to Reformed Baptist who sent me a link to this website and brought these God authored doctrines to my attention. After reading much of what is here, I trust it will be an instrument to spread the true gospel message. Thanking God for the beautiful spiritual mountain retreat that you have provided to the glory of the Lord. My the Lord richly bless you in this outreach and I know that many precious souls have been educated in the true doctrines of grace for the Lord through this ministry.

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Record: 3910
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 3:52 21 Sec. AM
Subject: The Reformed and Evangelism
Name: Otto Munsen
City: St. Petersburg     State: Florida
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Thank you all kindly for addressing the questions of Christians who are wrestling with issues related to Reformed theology and evangelism. I had been previously misinformed on this issue mainly because I was listening to others who oppose the doctrine of election to define this theology and not going to the source. God knows it's always better to hear the doctrines from those who hold it, not those who oppose it. God bless this site and I pray he continues to equip us all to be worthy ambassadors of his calling.

Otto Munsen
Grace Church

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Record: 3908
Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 10:08 59 Sec. PM
Subject: Divorce and remarriage
Name: Peter Miles
  Home Page
Country: Australia
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Hello Tony,

Thanks for your article re divorce and remarriage. It is good that people like yourself are speaking out against the sin of divorce and remarriage. Sadly there seems to be a minority of voices with this view.

16 years ago my wife divorced me unexpectedly. I had previously come to a similar conclusion re what the scriptures taught about divorce and remarriage. So I found myself in the position of having to live what I believed. After some years I thought to put my experience and thoughts on a website (above) with the hope others might benefit and avoid the pitfalls of divorce. If you have opportunity I would welcome your comments too. In the intervening years my wife and I have rebuilt a close and enduring friendship. By the grace of God, had I believed I had the 'right' to remarry it would probably be a different story.


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