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Record: 268
Date: Tue Feb 12 06:52:24 2008
Subject: Predestination
Name: Joe Rutherford
City: Lee, Florida    

    While I believe in divine predestination, it is important to understand that humans have a free will. A free will can not save a person, but for a person to be saved they must willingly recieve CHRIST. For a person to remain lost, they must willingly refuse CHRIST. GOD did not create humans incapable of choosing. We do well to realize the Sovernty of GOD. We would also do well to understand how he rules. He freely offers all humans Life in JESUS. But those who refuse JESUS are lost by their choice. GOD gives them what they chose.

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Record: 265
Date: Tue Jan 8 08:15:12 2008
Subject: Christmas
Name: Ezra
City: N/A    

    I Beleive christmas should not be observed because it is not instituted by G-d and if we look at it closely so much sin takes place during this time...

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Record: 263
Date: Tue Jan 1 16:44:03 2008
Subject: The Mark 666
Name: Jason Colby
City: Vermont    

    People gave me a patronizing look and a "might be" when I tried to explain that I believed that the number 666 represented two thirds. I guess it came from my excelling in math at school, but that is how it struck me. And then I came across your web site and read how you found from scripture that it indeed was a fraction. Your explanation (much better than mine) sealed it for me. It's just so obvious when you actually think about it. the 1/3 brought through the fire, and the two thirds remaining that are under the wrath of God. It was the same as my idea, except it was put together so much more clearly and backed up with scriptures. So I just wanted to say don't stop preaching mister. You have a gift.


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Record: 262
Date: Tue Nov 13 13:19:03 2007
Subject: Divorce
Name: Jim
City: Massachusetts    

    The thrust of your analysis would indicate that, if a husband physically beats his wife, berates her, and fails to love her, that the wife does not have grounds for divorce: Is this your position?

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Record: 255
Date: Sat Sep 8 11:20:09 2007
Subject: Free Will
Name: Milton Wright
City: Montegut, La Usa    

    Free will means that we can accept or reject God's offer of salvation. Please read the following texts: 1 Tim. 2:14, Gen 2:16-17; 3:6; 6:3, 22; Deut. 30:19, Joshua 24:15, 1 Kings 18:21, Romans 6:16, 2 Tim. 4:7-8, John 7:17; 17:17, 1 Thess. 4:3, Hos. 4:6, Isa. 1:16-20, Matthew 23:37-38, Rev. 3:21; All of Revelation 22. And many others to numerous to mention.

Oh, yes, one more: Ecclesastes 12:13-14.

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Record: 254
Date: Mon Jul 30 20:51:22 2007
Subject: Israel of God
Name: Bob Bowens
City: Dayton, Ohio    

    YOU HAVE A GREAT MESSAGE HERE "THE ISREAL OF GOD" I am reading your message concerning "The Israel of God" and this is indeed the 12 tribes that are scattered abroad, "My brothern " the Church that Jesus built. Not people in the flesh (neither Jew nor Greek) but people that are in Christ “born again” in the Spirit. Your message is very commendable. I am copying it in larger print so I can read it entirely . I have been teaching and preaching this “Isreal of God” message since around 1975 and it is always refreshing to see others agreeing. Your message is very lengthy and I like all the knowledge in it that I can read and learn from. Thanks.

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Record: 253
Date: Mon Jul 30 10:15:24 2007
Subject: Divorce and Remarriage
Name: H.van Rensburg
City: South Africa    

    Mr.Tony Warren,
I have read through your paper concerning divorce and remarriage. I agree with most of your remarks. There is however one atatement, let's say I do not understand. In Matthew 19:9, JESUS states "I say unto you", not Moses but Jesus, that "whosoever shall put away his wife, EXCEPT for fornication". So reading this there is one exception, and that is fornication. But this is not what you are saying. Can you please clarify this for me?

Henk.J van Rensburg

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Record: 251
Date: Fri Jul 27 14:17:20 2007
Subject: Women Ministers
Name: Maria
City: San Diego    

    Mr. Tony Warren and Mountain Retreat friends,

I am a housewife in San Diego California, and I came across your site while searching for information on women ministers for my Bible study. Upon searching for Ruth and reformed theology I came across your website and I have become hooked on the excellent articles I have found here. Thank you so very much for a great website just chock full of so much useful information and theology. I have learned a wealth of things in just the short time I have been here. It's indeed wonderful to see people working so hard doing the Lord's work and remaining faithful to the bible. Your Eschatology section is a home run. Just amazing how all things work together for good to them that love God. God Bless you.

Maria Lopez
San Diego

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Record: 244
Date: Sun Apr 22 14:13:11 2007
Subject: The Real Sabbath
Name: Nancy Jackson
City: Washington    

    The Sabbath is Saturday (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). God created the Sabbath as a day to rest from labors and remember him as the creator. The Sabbath is not a "Jewish Sabbath," since it was given to all mankind at creation before there ever was a Jew. Jesus kept the Sabbath and called himself "Lord of the Sabbath." The early Christian churches kept the Sabbath until 300 years after Jesus's dealth, when Constantine, of Rome, changed the worship from Sabbath to Sunday and mingled the pagan religion with the Christian. Paul preached in the churches on Sabbath, and he often traveled on the first day of the week (Sunday). Paul would not have used the Sabbath as a major travel day, according to the Jewish culture. There is no command to keep Sunday as a holy day in the Bible, and the early Christians did not keep Sunday as a holy day.

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Record: 240
Date: Sat Mar 3 11:06:59 2007
Subject: Mother Mary
Name: Rosetta
City: Texas    

I want to say up front that I am Roman catholic. I just read the article by Tony Warren, "Did Jesus have Brothers and Sisters". I think that the author takes to much upon himself because the bible can be interpreted in many different ways. As a catholic, I have reverence and respect for Mary, and I don't believe that she had more children. Just because the bible says Jesus had brothers and sisters does not mean Mary had more children. It's all in the way you look at scripture. The Catholic Church has not been wrong all these years, your site seems anti Catholic, and you should stick to fixing Protestant doctrines.


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