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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 3877
Date: Saturday, February 15, 2014, 1:46 PM
Subject: Sripture is always right- it is the Word
Name: Roger W. Davis, Jr
City: Carrollton     State: Ga
Country: Usa
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    I attend the church of the New Testament. There We obey the commands of scripture, "a thus sayeth the Lord" If there is not a command of scripture We just don't do it. It may seem old fashion but it's scripture. By the way those of our number were baptized in water, where we contact the blood of Christ and our Sins are washed away (Rom. 6:3-4; Acts 2:38;1pet. 3:16; Acts 10:48;22:16) Then God adds them to his church. (Acts 2:47) We do these things because God through the Holy Ghost inspired the writers of the New Testament. By the ways I enjoyed your writing until I was disappointed by your statement of faith.

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Record: 3876
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 6:03 AM
Subject: Nice Job
Name: Randall Horton
City: Holmes Beach     State: Florida
Country: Usa
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    I have accessed your site a number of times and thought you ought to know that although I am on the opposite theological side, I do find your site and articles to be interesting, hard to argue with, and always thought-provoking. And making one think is always a good thing.

Br. Randall Horton

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Record: 3875
Date: Tue Feb 11 00:52:34 2014
Subject: Reformation
Name: Henry H Mcauley
City: Belfast     Country: Northern Ireland
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Scripture does not change, the truth of scripture does not change, man change like the weather, so we must preach Gods word in truth yes, but also in love.

Jeremiah 6:16, Thus saith he Lord, Stand he in the way, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, an dye shall find rest for your souls. But, they said, We will not walk therein.

Let's preach the word of God in all its fullness and not manufacture some type of business plan to make it more 'youthful' friendly. Scripture has to be preached and there are theological words and teachings which cannot, and should not, be watered down.

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Record: 3874
Date: Sun Feb 9 13:44:02 2014
Subject: Does God answer prayer
State: Mich
Country: Usa
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Am reading your article with the above heading and wondering what you do with the passage 2Kings 20:1-10 where it appears to me that God did indeed change His mind or (heaven forbid) tricks or lies to Hezekiah.

Your thoughts on this...otherwise am in total agreement with your article



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Record: 3873
Date: Fri Jan 31 08:45:49 2014
Subject: Spanking is Justified?
Name: Maurice
City: New York     State: New York
Country: Usa
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    How can you say that? Spare the rod spoil the child is archaic. I don't hit my children, I don't care what the bible says. You have to use your own judgment of what is right and wrong, you cannot depend upon a book. It's a medical fact that spanking a child causes mental health symptoms according to medical studies. Do you think God would want that? Or is it that you no doubt have misinterpreted scripture? If you want to lower their self esteem, then go ahead and teach children that hitting is OK, and you'll create long-term psychological problems.

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Record: 3872
Date: Thu Jan 9 02:45:08 2014
Subject: Exegesis of Revelation 20
Name: Matthew Abate
City: Los Angeles     State: Ca
Country: Usa
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    There's a wealth of information within this website. Good job in pulling things together into one location for others to sift through it.

If one argues for a chronology within Revelation 20, then one could develop that argument between chapters 19 & 20 and then for the entire book. One thing I'll throw out there is that the visions in the book of Revelation reveal a sequence to them, but that doesn't mean chronology.

One more tidbit...if the various visions in Revelation cover the same period (the church age), then the Amillennial view seems to embrace a logical contradiction between chapters 12 and 20. Satan isn't bound in chapter 12 during the church age as it ends with him making war against the saints; however, he is bound in chapter 20, which covers the same time period: the church age.

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Record: 3871
Date: Mon Dec 23 23:58:05 2013
Subject: Nice
Name: Chad Evans
City: New York City     State: New York
Country: Usa
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    Greetings to Pastor Warren; What an absolute joy privilege to find such an outstanding web site, and the excellent resources and helpful information here. This place is truly a spiritual anointment from God and I truly have been blessed by my visits here.

May our Lord bless this mninistry greatly

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Record: 3870
Date: Thu Dec 19 22:57:49 2013
Subject: The birth of Christ
Name: Michael Boyd
City: Lanham     State: Maryland
Country: Usa
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    You are correct that Christ was born in 7bc. Do you think it was Octover 2nd. This was the 10th day of the Seventh month, as know as the Day of Atonement.

Michael Boyd

Do you have a jewish calendar for the years 11013 bc to present???

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Record: 3867
Date: Mon Sep 30 13:43:58 2013
Subject: Feedback
Name: Myles Middleton
State: Pennsylvania
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Thanks for the helpful and insightful articles. What a blessing to stumble upon this website. I have always loved the Rev Herman Hoeksema, Prof. David J. Engelsma, and Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. In a world where mendacity is peddled from the pulpit in so many Churches, it is good to know that there are still fearless godly men preaching the historical gospel in season and out of season. It's rare to see the pretentious doctrines of Rome and the Popes so thoroughly biblically and scholastically refuted.

Rev. Myles Middleton
Trinity Reformed Church
Berwyn, Pa.

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Record: 3866
Date: Sat Sep 28 1:00:14 2013
Subject: Your Article on Christians saying OMG
Name: Debbie Kimball
Country: USA
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    I just read your article about Christians saying OMG, and I agree wholeheartedly. Our family does not say these words, but I am having a hard time knowing what is right in movie watching. If we watch a movie that uses OMG or OML or Good God or Good Lord once or twice in the movie, is that the same thing as saying it? I am struggling with this issue--knowing whether to mute it in those places or not watch the movie at all.

I sure would appreciate your thought on this.

Thank you,
Debbie Kimball

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