Letters on the Mountain!
Record: 3805
Date: Tue Dec 27 02:35:59 2011
Subject: Do Animals go to Heaven
Name: Dom
City: Houston
State: Texas
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine
Wow, you guys have some nerve! The Bible is very clear that there will be animals in heaven: Isa 65:25 5 The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent's food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain," says the LORD. NIV So you can take your sola scriptura and make up any doctrine you like, but without the Holy Church blessings, it's not Church doctrine. I have no doubt that a loving heavenly Father will bring our pets into heaven, because they are innocents just like children.
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Record: 3804
Date: Mon Dec 26 03:38:43 2011
Subject: Eschatology
Name: Brett Bailey
City: Atlanta
State: Georgia
Country: America
Found Site by: Word of Mouth
Hi, I have found your site to be very unique, interesting and informative on the subject of reformed eschatology. The whole idea of a pre-tribulation rapture is a myth and based upon bad theology and careless teachings passed on by Televangelists. Thank you for setting the biblical record straight, and showing with scripture what this Christian already knew. Best wishes for the coming year.
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Record: 3803
Date: Sat Dec 24 08:03:03 2011
Subject: Christmas Greetings
Name: Alex Berry
City: Eugene
State: Oregon
Country: United States
Found Site by: Search Engine
Precious Mountain Retreat workers, Seasons Greetings in the name of our Lord. I found your site some time ago and I would just like to stop and take the opportunity to express my deep appreciation to all of you, and to God for allowing me to be blessed by the plethora of articles on this resource. For as long as I live, I will know that God has at least reserved to Himself one web site that has not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. His blessings to all of you.Alex
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Record: 3802
Date: Tue Dec 20 05:24:15 2011
Name: Joan Carson
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine
I am interested in learning more about the biblical study of future events, or Eschatology. In my Church we are studying the book of Revelation and it was brief and general. I was looking on your site for more info. You have a very step by step way of explaining Revelation which makes it clear. I'd like to explore more of the studies here.
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Record: 3800
Date: Wed Dec 14 00:49:27 2011
Name: Julian Graham
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine
My feedback is that I don't like that there are so many Calvinist doctrines here, which has long ago been proven false? If this site would add some authors like Roger Olson or Dr. Burns at Dallas Theological Seminary, it might not be half bad. But as it stands, you have far too many Predestination and Amillennial articles, so I cannot in good conscience support this.
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Record: 3799
Date: Thu Dec 8 21:21:40 2011
Subject: A Great Oasis and Sanctuary
Name: Dr. David Johansen
Homepage: Dutch Reformed Church
City: Port Elizabeth
Country: South Africa
Found Site by: Search Engine
What a truly educational and edifying site. I am just stunned by the knowledge of the scriptures that is demonstrated here. Especially as it relates to a sound eschatology and the true nature of the sovereignty of God. Just amazing so much truth in one place. I just had to write and encourage you all to continue this great work. The great number of biblical topics and subjects addressed here are done so intelligently and in plain language. That is so rare. God is using this center gloriously, and it shows. May God richly bless all of you. Prof. David Johansen Port Elizabeth South Africa
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Record: 3798
Date: Fri Nov 11 02:48:54 2011
Name: Rebecca
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Webring
I stumbled upon your site because I was looking for a definition of the word Selah. I thank you for your information and want to add my own impression. As I was reading all that you wrote, I kept thinking that Selah kind of means AMEN. I have no scriptural or historical background for that opinion. It just feels like it's okay to make the comparison. Thought I'd share my impression.
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Record: 3797
Date: Sun Nov 06 01:59:30 2011
Name: Danielle Brady
City: Cumberland
State: Rhode Island
Country: U S
Found Site by: Other
I have no problem with Christians being against homosexuality, but how can you say that a woman loving another woman is wrong when you don't criticize where it says "the man whom Jesus loved?" You claim to promote evangelism, but turn right around and criticize Christian rap or rock as a tool? You condemn sex before marriage and then criticize lust. People are human. Its all hypocrisy.
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Record: 374
Date: Wed Oct 12 01:57:11 2011
Subject: The Sin of Smoking
Name: Allan Rydell
City: Anchorage, Alaska
Tony, Came to your site from a google search on smoking and Christians. I want to thank you for your article. I had been struggling with this sin for some time and searched for anything that said Christians shouldn't do it. It seems I was just looking for an excuse to keep smoking, but your article put it all in perspective for me.God bless your work in the Lord. Allan Rydell
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Record: 373
Date: Thu Oct 6 11:47:05 2011
Subject: A Good God
Name: Elaine Dobson
City: Kansas, Mo.
Reformed type theology is Dead! D. E. A. D., Dead! Wake up and move into the new age. There is universal salvation for everyone, because god is not like man to hold grudges. Moreover, without free will there can be no responsibility. So you contradict yourself. If this site would show a little love for our fellow man, then it would be a good resource. As it stands, I cannot recommend any site that preaches judgment just because someone doesn't recognize god.
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