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Record: 3865
Date: Fri Aug 30 23:35:28 2013
Subject: Growing in Grace
Name: Otilia Ramos Perez
City: Colonia Atlatilco     State: Districto Federal
Country: Mexico
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Thank you very much for this resource. Its a source of strength and refreshing for our spiritual growth here in Mexico. I wish to convey our love and sincere appreciation of your ministry and what you are doing to turn us to the Bible rather than tradition. I always read something that I need on your site. May God bless the word of the lord and the preaching of it around the world.

Otilia Ramos Perez
Colonia Atlatilco
Mexico, Districto Federal

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Record: 3864
Date: Sun Aug 11 03:31:46 2013
Subject: Still Great after all these years!
Name: Dale D. Ireton
Country: United States
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    I have such wonderful memories of visiting The Mountain Retreat about 20 times every year. This site helped me tremendously with my school paper on Theology and Predestination. Best site ever!!!!!!

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Record: 3863
Date: Tue Jul 16 21:39:19 2013
Subject: Keep up the Good work
Name: Edward Martin
State: Nevada
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

With Reformed Churches growing more and more like the liberal Churches lately, it is a blessing to find a Reformed resourse that continues to hold to the fundamental truths of scripture.
God bless you all

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Record: 3862
Date: Sat Jun 8 11:14:55 2013
Name: Todd Berry
City: Detroit     State: Michigan
Country: United States
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

Just wanted to thank you for your article "The 10 lost Tribes of Israel." What an eye opener! I never really looked deeply into the subject before, but your piece made it crystal clear. I concur, there are no lost tribes of Israel to be reclaimed. I would like to post your article on Facebook to answer questions from my friends there.

Thanks again
In His Service
Todd Berry

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Record: 3860
Date: Mon May 27 09:55:56 2013
Subject: Wrong Theology
Name: Mark Goodman
City: Kansas City     State: Missouri
Country: Usa
Found Site by: E-Mail Message

    You're right, Calvinism is a misnomer. You're wrong, Reformed Theology is not Biblical theology. And you're wrong about the doctrines of grace also. They are not from the Bible, free will is.

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Record: 3859
Date: Fri May 10 03:02:27 2013
Subject: Antiquated Sites
Name: Ethan Jordan
City: Saint Petersburg     State: Florida
Country: Usa
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    I thought all these antiquated Reformed sites went down a couple of years ago. No offense, but isn't it time to get a modern Christian blog? You'll draw more young people and get taken more seriously. Time to move out of the Reformation era and into the 21st Century. Just my opinion.

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Record: 3858
Date: Wed Apr 24 10:18:59 2013
Subject: Great Teachings
Name: Rachael W.
City: Washington     State: DC
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

This is the most faithful web site that I have ever visited, and I don't say that lightly. It is so rare to find unadulterated teachings in this day of settlements, concessions and compromise. A friend told me about your online sermons, and they were just as advertized. It's rare to find online sermons in text form rather than audio, and they are a very strong tool for helping Christians who cannot hear to receive the preaching of the true word of God. Keep working that way my friends. God bless you

Rachael W.

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Record: 3856
Date: Mon Apr 11 04:51:09 2013
Name: Patricia
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Found Site by: Word of Mouth

I found your website while searching for reformed eschatology on the net. I used to attend a Reformed Baptist Church, but left after it turned away from the Reformed doctrines to a Dispensational bent. Your site has blessed me immensely in that it speaks plainly, in everyday language, about the how, why and where of Christianity. Thank God that He brought me here knowing that I would find such rich sermons, preachers and articles answering nearly every question I have had. I thank God that there are still sites such as yours!

Thanks again!

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Record: 3853
Date: Sat Mar 9 07:22:07 2013
Subject: The Faith of Christ
Name: Ian Connor
City: Darlington     Country: United Kingdom
Found Site by: Just Surfed In


Having just ‘stumbled across’ this post (last night) - WOW - This is so true - although I hadn’t seen it before. Thank you for a beautiful clear message using the pure Word of God from the KJV. I accept faith is a gift from God - although far better this (biblical) understanding that it is the ‘Faith OF Christ’ at work in me as opposed to my ‘Faith IN Christ’ that brings salvation.

Bless you,
Ian Connor

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Record: 3852
Date: Sun Jan 20 10:05:24 2013
Name: Fu Sion
Country: Holland
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I just read Tony Warren's article "Animals In Heaven" and I strongly disagree with what he writes. He uses quotes when Jesus speaks to men, as 'evidence' that animals cannot go to Heaven. Yet he doesn't first define Heaven. And he intermingles it with the Kingdom. He forgets that Isaiah clearly speaks about the Kingdom and how the relationship between men and animals will be. He also fails to mention that Revelation is full of horses coming out of the Heavens and other animals praising God. The Bible also mentions that eventually ALL LIFE will praise Him forever.

To write that animals are not important in the large scheme of things is in my humble opinion completely failing to understand how much God loves every man, woman, animal yes even every leaf and molecule He made. He came because He loved so this world, not just mankind. I think you're completely missing the extent of God's Love Tony Warren.

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