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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 71
Date: Fri Feb 14 22:34:20 2003
Subject: An Awesome Website
Name: Robert
City: New Jersey    

    Thank you for this awesome web site. I have learned so much about what is Biblical and what is not by the information you have posted here. And I can't begin to describe the joy I have in reading of Reformed Theology. I was brought up in the premillennial theology, but have seen the error of my ways by the spirit and the word. I hope you will continue to preach the truth of scripture.

God Bless You

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Record: 69
Date: 2/13/03 4:27:28 PM
Subject: Feedback
Name: Buddy Armstrong
City: Kansas    

    Hello Tony, (Mr./Rev. Warren)

After reading a couple of your segments you have my attention. I just downloaded the "The Mark of the Number of the Beast". After reading it I will see how close you come to my own study results.

I will try to contact you (e-mail) later in the week.
So far so good!


W. Buddy Armstrong

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Record: 68
Date: 11/23/02 5:07:02 AM
Subject: The Rapture
Name: Roger
City: N/A    

    Dear Brother in Christ,
    My name is Roger, I live in Indiana, and I teach God's Word. I just had to write you and tell you that I just now saw your website on the rapture. Well, I couldn't say it any better myself. See, I am also tired of these people that stand behind pulpits every Sunday, and tell their people flat out lies about God's Word. We in this nation have been lied too when it comes to God's Word, on some subjects.
    I had one person tell me that it's not that important and I am making a big deal about it, but if I am being told a lie about the rapture, what else am I being lied to about.
    I am getting ready to start a 10 week study at a church, on Wed. nights starting Jan, 2003.
    I agree with you 110% Brother, keep it going. It's nice to find someone else out here with some truth!!!.


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Record: 67
Date: 8/5/02 4:04:15 PM
Subject: His Faith
Name: Mark
City: N/A    


Thank you for the Web page about faith OF Christ. On a recent vacation, this truth finally reached me while reading the Word. It was wonderful to see your treatise on this fundamental truth.

My wife was amazed about the simple changing of the word--OF to IN. Huge difference! Faith in Christ implies work on my part. Faith OF Christ is a proven commodity!

I was always told to just "suck it up and have faith in Christ." But Jesus did not rely on my (Mark's ) faith. He had His own.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The just shall live by HIS faith. The just shall LIVE by his faith. Thanks again and peace to you and yours.

In Christ,


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Record: 66
Date: 6/19/02 1:16:06 AM
Subject: Thank You!
Name: Jose
City: N/A    

    Mr. Warren,

My name is Jose. I'm a sophomore Pre-Seminary student currently back home for the summer here in Ontario California. My father and I had a disagreement recently on Millenialism. He said, "100% literal...that's the only way to take the bible." I agreed, "100% literal, that Revelation 20 is literally sybolic and if taken as such it conforms to the rest of God's good word without contradiction or error." Your piece on Millenialism has aided me immensly in my extended discussions with my father, as well as many other avid millenialists. This is simply a thank you for taking the time to convey such an important message at the length in which you did. It is a lot of very important information.

God's Blessings,


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Record: 65
Date: 6/6/02 3:15:32 AM
Subject: Feedback
Name: Ginger and Murph
City: Maryland    

    I was surfing the web for information on another issue altogether and stumbled on your site. I have read a number of your articles and I am so amazed at how clear you make your points. I have given your web address to my pastor and oldest son. I copied the article on The Feast of Tabernacles and gave it to a friend.
      When you mention scripture twisting; that is what we see all over the Church today in many denominations. Truth spoken is clear and what I have read thus far on your site is very clear.
May the Lord Bless you,
Ginger Dykes

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Record: 64
Date: 5/26/02 8:44:15 PM
Subject: Feedback
Name: Daniel
City: N/A    

    Hello Mr Warren,
There is no such thing as a "Holy" canon. You criticize pre-tribulationist (correctly) for postulating a doctrine that is not in the Scriptures and then you fabricate this one. There has NEVER been a finalization of a canon of Scripture. Just read Luther and see what he thought of your "Holy Canon". As you yourself note, wide acceptance does not guarantee that a doctrine is based on Scripture. I agree with Luther that James clearly teaches salvation by works, minimizes the person of Christ, is not apostolic, and is unequal to the other New Testament writings. It simply does not belong in the New Testament.

By the way, nice website, well done. Most of your doctrines of salvation, grace, and predestination seem very solid. Your amillenialism is distrubing, but that is a subject for another day.
Until He comes,
Daniel Speck

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Record: 63
Date: 5/23/02 1:23:35 PM
Subject: Feedback
Name: Don
City: N/A    

    Greetings Tony
      Just a word of thanks once again for the site. I had attended Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible School. It was their I had first been introduced to other schools of thought in relation to eschatology. Their basic approach was simple, give yourself at least five years before adopting an eschatological position. We were expected to understand , rebut, and defend each scheme for individual grasp. The school itself was Amillenial though recognized the importance of positions embraced. I know because I attempted to defend premillenialism for two years of my four there. Their response was a usual; what do you think was meant by etc, etc, meaning other seemingly oppositional scripture. It was years later that I had developed my strongest belief from the eschatological battles as Amillenialism. The main reason being I had felt and do presently believe that the other schools of thought in fact rob our Lord of the glory due His Name.
      Keep up the good work with all the well orbed papers offered. I have had large doors opened and scriptures defined. It is a wonderful experieance having not to reluctantly skip over diffulcult passages one is otherwise expected to relate to the premillenial jarcon of super zionism and superior masters, waiting to Illuminate our scripturial base.
      I have now begun collecting in notebook form. Once again thank you. Our prayers are toward His glorious day and people like you who have the curage to stand.
centerBy His grace, in Him and For Him

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Record: 61
Date: 4/26/02 6:12:34 AM
Subject: Webpage
Name: Pete and Michele
City: N/A    


Just wanted to tell you that your webpage entitled "Do Our Pets and Animals go to Heaven? -by Tony Warren", was a blessing to me. Thank you for your ministry, & may God bless you.


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Record: 60
Date: 4/1/02 7:32:08 AM
Subject: Feedback
Name: Peter Bargas
City: N/A    

    Dear Warren,
I read your peace on Amill, Eschatology and well fairly well written, you tend to take a very somewhat dogmatic approach. I pray that you have studied as much as many scholars who still are not as decided as you, i.e Piper (Post-mill), Carson (Pre-mil), Sproul (who knows where he is now), Even a well know Amil Theologian Greg Beale, is not as dogmatic as are you. Things are not as cut and dry and I could give you every other view countering your view to each passage you site. Although I would fall into the pre-mil catagory, I appreciate your desire though to hit on the subject. I am progressive dispenstational, and know that classical dispensationalism hasn't done a good job either. I am reformed everywhere except Eschatology, mostly because I just haven't been convinced against the "Already and Not-Yet View." Again thank you though for your willingness to not shun the subject, I only ask that you continue to study and make sure that you stay teachable.

For His Glory and Our Pleasure,
Pete Bargas

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