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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 29
Date: 7/5/00 3:22:59 PM
Subject: Feedback
Name: The Templeton Family
City: N/A    

    Dear Tony,

I just noticed that there is no biographical info on the M R website about you or your denominational affiliations, if any. I don't know if you're independent, PCA, Reformed Baptist, or what have you. If any of this info is on the site, please direct me.

You are obviously very solid doctrinally. I've been reading the articles and Message board threads, and have been enjoying the discussions. I'm a former Arminian, raised in a Southern Baptist church, and confronted with Calvinism at a So. Baptist college. It was there, while trying desparately to disprove the doctrine, that I came by God's Grace to "see the light." Needless to say, I have been in some very heated discussions ever since, and find myself in the present-day great minority of Reformed believers. But I'll never return to "wallowing in the mire" of Arminianism, God willing.


Mark Templeton

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Record: 28
Date: 7/4/00 2:57:44 PM
Subject: Abomination of Desolation
Name: Jim Raisler
City: N/A    

    I really enjoyed your study on above mentioned subject. I would like to know how we are to interpet Luke 21:20? I always assumed it was a parallel to Mark13 and Matthew24 and Luke was just providing the meaning of the Abomination of Desolation. Thanks for your time. Yours is one of my favorite sites and I feel blessed from the teaching you provide.

In Christ,

Jim Raisler

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Record: 27
Date: 7/3/00 2:10:11 AM
Subject: Premillennialism
Name: Sam Jennings
City: N/A    


I just want to say that there are many fine Theologians who think that premillennialism is a valid eschatological view. We are not saved or saved based on our eschatological view, as I'm sure you would agree.

Great site, love the Midi.


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Record: 26
Date: 6/16/00 1:13:21 AM
Subject: Thank You!
Name: Jeanine
City: N/A    


I just want to thank you for standing on the Word of God and proclaiming His Truth. I have not gotten through most of your site yet, but I linked to it when I was looking for a web site that taught the amillenialist belief. There are times when I begin to think that there aren't any people out in this world who belief what the Holy Scriptures say. Not many churches who even want to discuss or teach anything but premillenialism. May the Lord Jesus open their eyes and ears to hear and see the Truth.

May the Lord continue to bless you and to give you wisdom to rightly divide the Word of God as you continue in your faith and the maintenance of this website.

God Bless,

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Record: 25
Date: 6/3/00 5:16:47 PM
Subject: Rapture
Name: Corey West
City: N/A    


You did a fantastic job on addressing the so called rapture, there appears not to be very many Christians left that do not believe in a pre-trib rapture. It seems to me that the so called pre-trib rapture theology is part of the strong delusion?! It even looks to me that Ezekiel prophesized that these teachings would go forth in Ezekiel 13:?! And our Father is not very happy with those teachings. Is not the parable of the 10 virgins addressing peoples that are Christian today? And half of them go apostate because for the most part they thought that they did not have to deal with Antichrist and his tribulation?! Because they were told that they were going to fly away, this fly away theory to a student that follows the subject and object of the chapters of the Bible is just so ridiculous, but then I guess that is the sign to Gods children that are not under strong delusion that Gods Word is true!

    Keep up the good works.

Corey God Bless

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Record: 24
Date: May 23, 2000 at 15:34 [EST]
Subject: Feedback
Name: Byron Loyd
City: N/A    

    I have found your site to be wonderfully informative. I was raised premil and for the last several years I have been led in the Word to a more amil thought. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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Record: 23
Date: 3/28/00 9:02:46 PM
Subject: Response to site and bible study
Name: Kimberly Giambrone
City: N/A    

    I have been a christian for almost twenty years and sure enjoy the great music you offer! It can chase the blues away. It is a long time between church services for me and I thank you for providing the meat of the word, not just milk and honey. I have just printed Part two of Thomas Watson's study on "How we may read the scriptures". It is the very best commentary I have ever read on the subject. I have read part one twice already! He is a superior writer. I can't wait to meeet him in heaven and praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST that by His shed blood and grace I will! May you all have a great day in the Lord. Mrs. Kim Giambrone!

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Record: 22
Date: 3/5/00 3:39:14 AM
Subject: Comments
Name: John Avitabile
City: N/A    

    I have recently discovered your web site and I just like to say praise the Lord for He is King and does reign. I grew up Catholic, but for the mercy, grace & love of God I was born from above into His kingdom in 1982. Recently the Lord has revealed the apostasy that was going on in the Methodist church (I joined after leaving the Catholic) Now the Lord has welcomed me into a wonderful PCA church where the word of God is taught . My entire family loves to go church almost every day We are all thankful for the reformed theology because it loves the truth of God. Thank you for furthering my understanding of the knowledge of Jesus Christ.. Thank God for his Word and those who teach it.

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Record: 21
Date: 2/28/00 7:31:25 PM
Subject: Website
Name: Jan Macor
City: N/A    

    Hi brother,
I praise God for His Word - thank you so much for putting up this web site and using scripture to explain scripture. I liked the article on 'Women Pastors?' too. Everything you said was true, except for one thing. Many Christian women are single (including myself, a 3 year old Believer) because as you so rightly put it, there are many 'wimpy' men out there. It isn't because we love our careers, it is because so many men are not following Jesus, nor the teachings of the Bible. Satan is really attacking a lot of men in the church (if they are really Christian).
I cannot marry a man who has one foot in the world and a toe in the Kingdom, who doesn't know their scripture, doesn't study the Bible. It is better to remain single and devote all your time and energy to God, than to have 'your desire be for your husband' (which happens!) and then lose your way on the narrow path. Perhaps you could add that to your article. God bless you!. Thank you for writing the articles on Revelation.
In His Service,

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Record: 20
Date: 2/23/00 12:35:02 AM
Subject: Reformed Web site
Name: Jason Watson
City: N/A    

    Mr. Warren,

As a Christian who is starting on the road to real maturity, I was ecstatic to find your webpage. I am fully convinced of letting the Bible say what it wants and not what we want and that is exactly what reformed theology is to me. I want to encourage and thank you for the resources in this website. I pray that God's work in you will continue to bless many saints to come.

Joyfully In Christ,
Jason Watson

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