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   Letters on the Mountain!   

Record: 240
Date: Sat Mar 3 11:06:59 2007
Subject: Mother Mary
Name: Rosetta
City: Texas    

I want to say up front that I am Roman catholic. I just read the article by Tony Warren, "Did Jesus have Brothers and Sisters". I think that the author takes to much upon himself because the bible can be interpreted in many different ways. As a catholic, I have reverence and respect for Mary, and I don't believe that she had more children. Just because the bible says Jesus had brothers and sisters does not mean Mary had more children. It's all in the way you look at scripture. The Catholic Church has not been wrong all these years, your site seems anti Catholic, and you should stick to fixing Protestant doctrines.


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Record: 239
Date: Mon Feb 12 16:39:17 2007
Subject: Tattoos
Name: Tully
City: North Carolina    

    Just a few lines to thank you for your article on Tattoos. It is a topic that is current and well needed, as our younger pastors are perverting so many of the old ways and tearing down the wisdom that came with them, with their new age interpretations. Tattoos are not Christina, they are pagan, and always has been. May the mountain Retreat continue to shine over the earth.


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Record: 237
Date: Fri Jan 19 04:20:41 2007
Subject: Predestination
Name: Daniel
City: North Carolina    

    If it were true that your free will is what saves you, why does John say in John 1:12,13, "But as many as received him,(looks like His free will, not mine) to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,(the new birth is performed by God's free will, not ours) but of God."(KJV) If God didn't initiate salvation, and it were up to our free will, no one would be saved. "There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God." Rom. 3:11(KJV)

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Record: 236
Date: Mon Jan 15 07:41:42 2007
Subject: Dispensationalism
Name: Andy
City: Mississippi    

    Hello Tony,

I would just like to express my appreciation for the Center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology website. For most of my life I have been a member of a Dispensational congregation. But thanks to your center, I am no longer holding that position. The reason is that through your insistance that we study the bible carefully, I have come to realize that this is a twisted view that is not found anywhere in scripture. It wasn't easy, but thanks to your website I have come to see the truth.

So thanks to you and those at the Mountain retreat.


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Record: 231
Date: Tue Dec 12 09:33:27 2006
Subject: Bible Versions
Name: Morris
City: Maine    

    To Mountain Retreat Bible center,

The author of this site lets us all know in no uncertain terms about his distaste for all the special versions of the Bible out there - Versions like the The Student Bible, The Living Bible, The Seniors Devotional Bible, The Knowing Jesus Bible, The NIV, The Life Promises Bible, the Beginner's Bible, etc. Who are you to tell us that these are not relatively faithful translations?

It seems that you think that all these new editions are an attempt to water down scripture and a marketing ploy to get sales, but I must respectfully disagree. The Bible text in these versions are basically the same as in the KJV. Minus the unimportant passages, the hard words and antiquated language. You all should remember, the bible has to modernize just like people. You're not going to bring hip kids to God by the use of the KJV of the bible. Wise Up!

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Record: 230
Date: Mon Dec 4 22:38:13 2006
Subject: Tradition
Name: William Jones
City: Nashville, Tn    

    You epitomize the statement made by Yahshuah when he said in Ma 15:6 "by your tradition you make the Word of God of non effect". He (Yahshuah) is the Word of God. Your PAGAN teaching of a triune God, Sunday worship, denial of Torah, worship of Ishtar(Easter), Christmas, Halloween and the propagation of "replacement theology" you make His teaching and sacrifice of non effect. The one you call Jesus is a Jew and taught Torah. I do not condemn you, I merely ask you to sincerely pray and seek revelation. Stop regrinding the old fodder of false "Christianity" and diligently ask for the Spiritual guidance that leads to truth. You are pushing the same old Catholic doctrines that caused bloodshed, pain and agony. I do not expect you to publish this, but I must speak out in the hope that I might be the one to reach that heart of yours that is thirsting after the God of Israel. You will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart. Baruch haShem Yahshuah!!

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Record: 228
Date: Sun Oct 29 17:27:03 2006
Subject: Israel Articles
Name: Andy
City: Ohio    

    Dear Tony,
Just a few lines to thank you for such clear and scriptural teaching regarding the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel. It's so refreshing to read something that is grounded in scripture and not politics or tradition. The Hebrew Roots Movement is growing by leaps and bounds due mainly to the dispensationalist teachings and those who don't understand who the
"Israel of God" really is. They always seem to leave out important passages in their teachings like Ephesians 2:11-19, Romans 11, Romans 9, and Revelation 7 among others, that show who the true Israel is. God bless you and your ministry.

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Record: 226
Date: Wed Aug 30 17:17:42 2006
Subject: Cessation of Miracles
Name: Beverly Watkins
City: Claymont, Delaware    

    Dear Fellow Mountain Workers,
I so agree with your conclusions concerning the growth of the false signs and wonders gospels. I'm so blessed to hear true biblical preaching concerning miracles and what they signified. It's rare that you hear preached the truth that they are not for today. I have friends who actually think they can miraculously heal people and speak in tongues conversing with God in a new language. I just have to shake my head! I'm sending some of these articles to them in hopes that they will be enlightened and accept truth. Thanks so much for such a Godly biblical site.

May God Bless you all.

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Record: 220
Date: Sat Jul 8 17:39:08 2006
Subject: The Sabbatical Law
Name: Adrilee Perrin
City: Us, Florida, Miami    

    hmm, well I didn't read the article that was placed on the net about the pastors, but I definately got a chance to read the article on the Sabbath. I know the bible to be a very clear book, to say the least; and I also know that the reason why there are so many religions is simply because people want God to be the God they grew up with. Once someone says God is, or God requires something other than the God they have grown comfortable with, another sub-religion in either established or strengthened in order for God to stay in line.

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Record: 218
Date: Sat Jun 17 11:56:53 2006
Subject: We Are All Brethren
Name: Juanita Eskin
City: Albuquerque, New Mexico    

My name is Juanita Eskin and I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I wanted to write you about your ministry and tell you that you are being far too harsh on the current Church. I'd be the last to say that it is a bastion of faithfulness, but your harsh treatment of Pastors such as Rick Warren, Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen is just uncalled for. These are good Christians just like you. Simply because their philosophy is not as conservative as yours doesn't make them false teachers. Have some respect for these people please. Let';s all stick together instead of putting the law between us.

In His Service,

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