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Record: 23
Date: Wednesday 11/28/2001 9:59:14pm
Name: Jeff Verkerke
Country: USA
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
I found you by typing "ammillenial" on yahoo. Thanks for the list of resources! In Christ's Love, Jeff
Date: Friday 11/23/2001 5:31:03pm
Name: Dan Moore

City: Collinsville State: Oklahoma
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine
I just recently came across your web page. I have enjoyed it very much. I am a Baptist who believes as my forefathers did in God's sovreignty in election. Keep up the good work and may God richly bless you
Date: Wednesday 11/07/2001 10:51:52pm
Name: Glenda Quinton

State: Oklahoma
Country: USA
Found Site by: By A Friend
You all are doing a great job and I pray that you will reach some of the lost souls for Christ.
Date: 11/01/2001 4:54:06am
Name: Marcus Yip Hanzhang

Homepage: Pilgrim Covenant Church

State: Singapore
Country: South-East Asia
Found Site by: Search Engine
Really enjoyed browsing through your website. May God bless it richly, and continue to use it as an instrument to bring His sheep into His fold, to bring the elect into the Kingdom of Grace.
Date: Friday 10/26/2001 4:21:35pm
Subject: Powell
Name: Lydia Thomas
City: Wy State: USA
Wonderful web-page! I'm sure the Lord is pleased!
Date: Monday 10/15/2001 0:32:00am
Name: Jenni Wenhold

Homepage: GenJenni

State: USA
Country: Just Surfed In
This is one AWESOME site!!!! I didn't know there were others who believed in amillenialism. I also had a lot of questions answered on the FAQs page. This is excellent. Please keep up the good work. Please keep the page updated as it is now on my Favorites listing!
Date: Friday 08/17/2001 5:04:15pm
Name: Anna Estrella

State: USA
Country: Search Engine
Hi!! I have been searching for a sight such as this. I really appreciate the Reformed Doctrines and I look forward to the blessings that are to come through this sight. Thank you for posting it. Anna
Date: Tuesday 07/24/2001 8:10:08pm
Name: Jerlivee Peyton

City: Georgia State: USA
Country: Friend
I'm so thankful for this beautiful site
I have been searching the web for a Bible study course, and today I get this from a friend. I say Praise God for Christian friends and Web pages like this. God Bless You.
Date: Thursday 07/12/2001 12:30:56am
Subject: Lancaster
Name: Tom Brown

City: California State: Friend
Brother's in the Lord'
Please send me up dated emailes of your studies & tid pits of daily scriptures.
In Chist Love
Date: Thursday 06/14/2001 2:06:39pm
Name: Sizwe Mbili
State: South Africa
Country: Search Engine
I haven't seen much of the website, but I have read your article on the Apocrypha! I love it! Keep up the good work!