Center For Biblical Theology and Eschatology
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Record: 41
Date: Saturday 07/27/2002 1:10:38am
Name: Anthony
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Your studies on eschatology are excellent. thank you and god bless u.

Record: 40
Date: Saturday 07/13/2002 8:23:29am
Name: Kevin W Lancaster
  Home Page
State: Arkansas
Country: USA
Found Site by: By Friend

    I just found your page courtesy of the aol homepage of Heneliz. I love the listings of hymns you have.Thats so awesome. God Bless you,congrads on this site and keep up the awesome work!

Record: 39
Date: Friday 07/12/2002 6:47:34pm
Name: John
Homepage: Westminster Biblical Missions
  Home Page
City: Detrot     State: Michigan
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine

One of the best looking and Biblical sites that I have come across. You deserve kudoes. Your eschatology page was just an eye opener for me. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Sola Gratia and Sola Scriptura!

Record: 38
Date: Monday 06/17/2002 12:55:30am
Name: Michael Sowers, Jr.
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Great website! Keep up the good work.

Record: 37
Date: Saturday 05/18/2002 3:04:53am
Name: Ron
State: Illinois
Country: USA
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    Outstanding site, Tony! God be praised for your faithfulness to Him and His holy Word! We'll be back, and let others know as well!

Record: 36
Date: Friday 05/17/2002 3:02:23pm
Name: Kenny Noblett
Homepage: Covenant Baptist Church
  Home Page
City: Henderson     State: Kentucky
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Excellent work-dear brother. Thanks for making it possible to download. May God bless your efforts. Scripture saturated. Reformed. God-centered.
Remain humble.


Record: 35
Date: Monday 05/13/2002 2:03:55pm
Name: Ranald A. Mac Donald
Country: USA
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    I have downloaded the 8 page article on the Apocryphal Books which I was searching the web for to find out whey they were left out of the final Holy Bible that I use today.
I was born a Roman Catholic but left the church a long time ago because of dectat from Rome and locally. I do not believe in dictat especially when it is do with the importance of knowing Jesus Christ. My friend Dr John MacLennan from the U.S.A. put me right and so I have my own International Holy Bible to refer to for authority of God's inspired Holy Word.
But even so, I am at one and peace with my Lord Jesus Christ though a sinner like all of us. I need him every day of my life to guide me in my work. At 72 years of age I am still learning about him and that is why I wanted to learn about the missing 14 books of the Apocrypha. I now understand the reasons but will pursue it further as there still arguments going on about this today.

I will get back to your site again when time permits. I am a writer of sorts and will not forget the site. Be sure of that.
Thank you for it and for your generosity in allowing me to download this important text to study at leisure.

Ranald A. MacDonald Snr

I am not up on URL etc . Tell me what it means?

Just a beginner on the Net.

God Bless your work!

Record: 34
Date: Sunday 05/12/2002 1:34:20am
Name: Patty Smith
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Thank you for your wonderful article on Animals and Heaven.

Record: 33
Date: Thursday 05/09/2002 3:06:03am
Name: Judy Kay Bowen
Country: USA
Found Site by: By A Friend

    This is a wonderful website. I feel blessed to have been referred to it.

Record: 32
Date: Wednesday 03/20/2002 1:59:45pm
Name: Jan
Homepage: Poetry by Jan
  Home Page
State: Kansas
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I just wanted you to know that I think you have a wonderful and blessed site. And, that I enjoyed my visit very much. Thank you. May God bless you and continue to keep you safe in the palm of His hand. Blessings and smiles, Jan

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