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Record: 3840
Date: Sun Feb 26 19:48:30 2012
Subject: Psalms of my heart
Name: Joy Lackey
  Home Page
State: Pacific Northwest
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    I am always thrilled to come alongside the testimony of Christ as I travel along the straight and narrow way, hearing His Voice, and the songs of praise that fill even the galaxies with the knowledge of Him. One day, and soon, we will join together in perfect harmony. Oh what a Day that will be. See you in the morning....Joy

Record: 3838
Date: Sun Feb 26 03:10:02 2012
Subject: Great Blog
City: Bogota     Country: Colombia
Found Site by: Search Engine

Thank you so much for putting online so much great information about biblical theology. Coming from a Roman Catholic background, it has helped me to understand how wrong my upbringing was. And it has also given me a chance to see just how consistent scripture and prophecy really is, once we cast off traditions in favor of God's word.

Record: 3837
Date: Thu Feb 23 13:46:36 2012
Name: Laurie Qualls
City: Tomball     State: Tx
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    I have been visiting a while now - such good stuff!!! Thank you and may God Bless you and all who enter this site abundant joy!!!

Record: 3836
Date: Mon Feb 20 17:12:07 2012
Name: Natalie
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Friend

    This site has helped me in my Christian knowledge. I only wish you would write more articles on the Books of the Bible, like a weekly Bible Study. There is so much for everyone to learn.

Record: 3834
Date: Sat Feb 18 07:55:00 2012
Subject: Present Reign of Christ
Name: John Paul Todd
  Home Page
City: Berea     State: Kentucky
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Grateful for your presence on-line for the benefit of the global/universal Church of our Reigning Lord & His everlasting Gospel.

Especially with the advent of the world-wide-web and the discourse it makes possible, we must learn to listen to our largely Christian community, and learn to include their contributions in our celebration of the unity of God's people, including their ethnic and denominational contexts.

Record: 3833
Date: Tue Feb 14 19:54:30 2012
Subject: Translation Ministry
Name: Willie G. Sancho
Country: Philippines
Found Site by: Just Surfed In


Many Filipino christians cannot afford to buy books for theological study. Most of them cannot comprehend theological doctrines in english. I am happy for the Lord that after translating some of your articles in the local language of ilongo.

We need more translated doctrines in the local language of many Filipino christians. Your articles has been very useful and really explalned the reformed doctrine.

Blessings in Christ

Willie Sancho

Record: 3832
Date: Tue Feb 14 04:30:53 2012
Subject: The Brothers of Jesus Christ
Name: Marissa Mateo
Country: Philippines
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    On your article on the brothers of Jesus: Joseph and Mary have a common desire to serve God through the needy. And I believe while in Egypt the Holy Family as we call them went their way to visiting the sick, helping the needy... They could have adopted parentless children in their works of mercy.

Besides, they have God as their child, entrusted to their care. If you were Joseph, would you think of your own desires?

I'm glad I'm a Roman Catholic who can accept the sign of the times, and not limit my faith to just the Words of God.

Record: 3831
Date: Mon Feb 13 11:36:15 2012
Name: Joshua Minai
Country: Kenya
Found Site by: Search Engine

    I have found this Site more helpful than all other Theology Sites I've visited!

Record: 3828
Date: Sun Feb 12 03:26:50 2012
Name: Ladayna L. Silvey
City: Delta     State: Colorado
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In

    I am going through a difficult time. I have had other difficult times with my religion but this one is the worsed and I feel stupid for staying with something that clearly goes against what I feel is right and good.

Just looking for answers becasue I am all prayed out.

Thank you for having this content on the internet. I need all the input I can get at this point.

Record: 3825
Date: Wed Jan 25 03:45:27 2012
Subject: Water Baptism
Name: Bill Franklin
City: Selma     State: Alabama
Country: United States of America
Found Site by: Search Engine

    Googled Water baptism and thought I'd drop in. Nice site, except your stance on this issue. Water baptism is by immersion only, not by immersion or sprinkling. You must be buried in baptism. Just hoping you'll correct that.

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