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Record: 73
Date: Sunday 09/14/2003 10:53:22am
Name: Gloria A. Allen
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine
I am thrilled to find your site! And I look forward to learning more.
Date: Wednesday 08/27/2003 12:12:50am
Name: Jim North
City: Totton Country: United Kingdom
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
Glad to find on your web-page Prof Engelsma's Defence of Classic Amillenianism
Sincerely in Christ
Jim North (Rev)
Date: Tuesday 08/26/2003 10:13:00pm
Name: Jerry Boyer

Homepage: Heart To Heart

City: Akron State: Ohio
Country: USA
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
Beautiful Site!! We found your link at Have enjoyed visiting! We're hoping to upgrade our present site. We have quite a bit of theology loaded. We were wanting to see what others how presented!
Thanks, sincerely!
Jerry Boyer (Akron, OH)
Naturally, *grin* we'd be blessed to have you visit us...and if not too inconvenient, let us know what you think... AND...don't be "shy".
Record: 70Date: Tuesday 08/19/2003 2:13:38am
Name: Radio Bible Buy

City: Memphis State: Tennessee
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine
Together we can create community among Christians from all walks of life that desire personal,cultural, and church reformation.
Date: Wednesday 06/18/2003 2:41:23am
Name: Patricia

State: New York
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine
I found your website while searching for information on the feast of tabernacles. I am looking forward to reading some of your other studies.
Thank you so much for a fresh new understanding of God's Word.
Record: 68Date: Monday 04/14/2003 0:01:52am
Name: Kay
Homepage: Kay's Corner - Christian Mothers Webring

Country: Brittish Columbia
Found Site by: Search Engine
Thank you for sharing your faith and ministry. I enjoyed your music room!
Record: 67Date: Wednesday 04/09/2003 1:52:10pm
Name: CD

Homepage: Trinity United Reformed Church

State: Michigan
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine
Found you while researching millennial views. Would like to urge everyone to read "A Case for Amillennialism" by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. Also, visit the above homepage and listen to the sermons on Eschatology. The series is not there in full but there are some great sermons dealing with Romans 11, Matthew 24, and Revelation 20.
Date: Friday 04/04/2003 12:23:49am
Name: Cheryl

Country: USA
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
This is Great Information. I love the study of Prophecy.
Date: Monday 03/31/2003 6:34:17pm
Name: Lorraine Rockburn

Country: Canada
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
I was sending email when this paged popped up . Wow what a great website for the believer and unbeliever. Questions that are for us all in this day and age May God continue to Bless this website and all who take part in this exposition of the GOSPEL in the sermons. I love Spurgeon. Not many like him today.
Date: Saturday 03/22/2003 7:57:43pm
Name: Shirley Davis

City: Saint Louis State: Missouri
Country: USA
Found Site by: Friend
I was given your e-mail address from a sister in Christ. I have enjoyed reading all of the articles as well as the bible study website. God Bless and keep up the good work. Shirley.