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What Does Selah Mean

by Tony Warren

What does the word Selah mean? There has been much conjecture and speculation by some theologians about this word, and due in no small part to this speculation, Christians are frequently confused as to its true meaning. Having been told everything from, "the original Hebrew has been lost," to "Jewish scholars agree it means forever," it is very easy to understand this confusion. In addition, many are taught that because this word appears only in the psalms and a poetic section of Habakkuk ([i]this is not true[/i]), we are justified in "assuming" that it is a musical term indicating an interlude. I have even read that Selah is from an Aramaic word, and means worship. Another view is that it means to "lift up." All of this serves not to enlighten the church, but to confuse the issue even more.

With all of the experts making such contradictory statements, one tends to wonder, "Can we even really know what Selah means?" I believe that the answer to this question is yes. The definition shouldn't be subjective or left to man's conjecture. There is much we can learn about this word from the original Hebrew in which it was written, from allowing the Bible to be its own dictionary, and from comparing scripture with scripture and allowing God to be His own interpreter (Genesis 40:8; 41:16). All of these things can give us a solid foundation to base our understanding of what this word means. Balance Scale

To begin with, selah, [celah], is from the primary Hebrew root [calah], which literally means 'to hang,' and by implication to measure (weigh). This is readily understood because in Biblical history, money, food, and other valuables were 'weighed' by hanging or suspending them on a type of balance (the equivalent of our measuring scales) to determine their value. Determining value is very important in understanding the word. We find an example of this word [calah] as it is literally translated "valued," in the book of Job, indicating that which is measured.

Job 28:15-16

  • "It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof.
  • It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire."

The word translated valued is the exact same Hebrew word [calah], and it quite obviously means "its value against" these fine jewels. In this context, God is telling us that wisdom "cannot be measured against the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire." Here the translation "valued" is to illustrate the measuring the value of something. i.e. wisdom cannot be measured with the gold of Ophir because it is far beyond that value. In verse nineteen we see this very same thing illustrated again.

Job 28:19

  • "The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold."

Again, this word translated "valued" is the Hebrew word [calah] meaning measured. This passage is declaring of wisdom, "The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither can it be measured against pure gold." In other words, it is beyond comparison or measuring against even with these very vaulable items. By this type examples illustrated by comparing scripture with scripture, and noting a word's context, including how it relates to other words, we can very easily begin to see their true meaning. In this context, this means "measured" against something else, illustrating that the value of wisdom cannot be measured, not even with pure gold.

So seeing that this Hebrew word [calah] means to 'measure,' as in weighing something in the balances, we better understand how the word Selah [celah] (which is derived from it) is illustrating that we should measure or value what has been said. In other words, just as we might say today, "The diplomat should, weigh what he says carefully." Or if we were to say that, "The lawyer measured his words to the Jury." Or again, "We should consider the Professor's words circumspectly," all those sentences are speaking of the very same thing. The word [celah] is used in this very same way. It is an illustration that we should "measure" or "value carefully" what has just been said. Even as we can understood in the Psalms, which are often types and very prophetic or Messianic in nature, we should weigh and consider them carefully. You may not realize this (because it's so seldom brought to light), but it is not only in the Psalms and Habakkuk, it is also a word that is used in the lamentations of Jerusalem. Of course, it is "hardly" illustrating a musical stop or a poetic notation there. So what does Selah mean?

Lamentations 1:15

  • "The Lord hath trodden under foot all my mighty men in the midst of me: he hath called an assembly against me to crush my young men: the Lord hath trodden the virgin, the daughter of Judah, as in a winepress."

The four words that are translated "hath trodden under foot" in the KJV is actually the very same Hebrew word [celah]. Here in the lamentations or mourning of Jerusalem, God is illustrating that the Lord has "measured" or weighed all the mighty men in the midst of her. In other words, it is an illustration that they were weighed in the balances, and found wanting (Daniel 5:27), thus their judgment is required. Aramaic, tekel corresponding to balance and to be weighed. So again we see the how the word is illustrating the act of measuring, and not a musical notation. Just so that there is no confusion, note carefully that the second part of Lamentations 1:15, where it says the Lord hath "trodden [darak] the virgin," is an entirely different word, and indeed means to tred. No doubt in this context, this is why the translators might have "thought" the word [celah] should also be translated trodden rather than measured.

What does Selah Mean? As we know, this word is extensively used in the Psalms. The reason is because the psalms are a prayer book, divinely-inspired songs of the people of Israel, often Messianic, allegorical, and very historically "parabolic." That is to say, history, replete with a deeper spiritual meaning. The word "Selah" is there to signal the believer to "measure carefully" the meaning of what has been said. This because there is some deeper spiritual wisdom here and we are to reflect on it and understand its deeper true meaning. Just as the Hebrew word [amen], also translated Amen, is an exclamation of "confidence of truth" and of the certainty of what has been said, so Selah [celah], is an exclamation that we should measure and reflect upon what has been said.

Psalms 4:4

  • "Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah."
Psalms 55:5-7
  • "Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me.
  • And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.
  • Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness. Selah".
Psalms 9:20
  • "Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah."
Psalms 57:6
  • "They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah."
Psalms 62:8
  • "Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah."
Psalms 89:3-4
  • "I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant,
  • Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations. Selah."

Whether of urging our thoughtful meditation upon our sinfulness, speaking of spiritual thrones, declaring God as our spiritual refuge, or speaking in "types" about Christ, this word is an exhortation for us to be wise and "measure or weigh" what has been said that we do not miss its true meaning and import. The word is used in the Psalms seventy-three times, and is also used in Habakkuk three times. Each time it is illustrating that we should measure wisely or 'weigh' solemnly what is being said. e.g:

Habakkuk 3:13

  • "Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah."

This is not a passage to pass over lightly as just a simple narrative. The passage is dripping with soteriology and judgment (Psalms 110:6) to be gleaned only in wisdom, comparing scripture with scripture to come to spiritual understanding. Whenever we see this word in scripture, we should understand that the Lord is exhorting us to "weigh" these things thoughtfully and circumspectly so as to reflect and consider in good sense judgment, what is "truely" being said.

So then, what does Selah Mean? Despite claims to the contrary, there actually is no substantive Biblical evidence that Selah is an interrupter to pause the music while voices continue, nor is there sound evidence that it is for the pausing of voices while the music continues. These ideas are based upon the conjecture and theories of it being a music stop. These are presuppositions rather than well researched textual conclusions. But what we do know is that it is a word that means to weigh or measure. In these contexts, it means to weigh the preceding words of God and wisely consider them.

What does Selah Mean? It is a signature exhortation from God for our thoughtful reflection and weighing of what we have just read.

..may the Lord who is gracious above all, give us wisdom and understanding, and guide us all into the truth of His Holy Word.


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Copyright ©2003 Tony Warren
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Created 07/01/03 / Last Modified 08/02/20
The Mountain Retreat / twarren10@aol.com

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